Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Shelf Project

In Loving Memory of Dr. Maya Angelou
Poet, Author, Educator, Activist

"If you don't like something, change it. 
If you can't change it, change your attitude."  
Dr. Maya Angelou
Dr. Angelou's books sit on the shelves below. Read often and cherished. Today was to show off the shelves I built in my office. Two hands, 6 boards, 12 brackets, many screws, and a can of stain and varnish... and there you have it.

And this morning I heard the sad news. Inspired by an incredible woman who passed today, we must take a moment to honor her. What a better way than with books and carrying on her journey to change the world for the better.

There is only one thing to do when your books are overflowing and stacked high on your desk, tables and counters... you build more shelves! Below is the completion of my latest project... the bookshelves over the windows in my office.

This is one of the few moments my desk is organized

"A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind"

 And when you build them... more books will come. 
Don't you just love reading!

Thank you Dr. Angelou for being.

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. I need to know what series that is that has the plane on the sides of the books and spells "Take Off" when you put them all together!

    1. The sign my daughter gave me for Mother's Day! It's super cool!


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