Thursday, May 8, 2014

Avfest 2014 in Chicago!

and you are Invited!

Nestled in the May issue of Airways Magazine Mark L Berry relives his 25-year experience flying in and out of Chicago O'Hare. But his article had more to do with a unique Aviation Store that anything else. In his article, No ORDinary Aviation Universe, Mark says, "Aviation Universe is an ambitious name for a small store nestle by the Bensenville railroad tracks outside the perimeter fence- and  still in the shadow of O'Hare." 

During Mark's tour of this incredible little piece of aviation heaven, with the owners Richard and Lora Yowell, he heard a story of when I came to visit. Not to give away too much, the title of my article (in the same issue of Airways magazine) might tell you what happened during that talk: Stripping bare the pilots career path.  

There might have been a bit of clothing removal, but you'll have to read the article to know exactly what went on during this event. Rumor has it they are still talking about it in Chicago. And I have been invited back. This time for the entire weekend. My question is this, "how do I top the last event?" You will have to show up to find out for yourself. 

Last event I was signing copies of Flight For Control
 And May 17 and 18 I am back signing just released...  

Tuesday I will provide more details on the Aviation event of 2014! But today, mark your calendars...

May 17-18th 
and join me in Chicago, 
at Aviation Universe 
Avfest 2014. 

There will be a live broadcast with Simple Flight Net, too!

Hope to See you There!

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Rob! I wish you could join us. Just a flight away.

  2. I am really hoping we can get you booked at Future of Flight or Museum of Flight or if need be Heritage Flight Museum up in Skagit County, you give great booktalks!

    1. Thank you so much Joe! You tell them, I will be there. I'll actually be at Arlington, for a FAAST Seminars - WPA Harvey Field Chapter, on the 10th at 1030. Hope to see you!

  3. Looking fwd to your run trip to the store...I'll see if I have any old NWA trinkets laying about the house

    1. Tim, Thank you so much!! Looking forward to seeing you again!

  4. Congratulations on the release of Flight For Safety!!! I can hardly wait to hold it in my hands!

    1. Thank you so much Heather!!! Wish you could be at Avfest!


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