Monday, April 7, 2014

What Guides You?

"I am guided by none other
than my spirit and soul
- from within."

~ by Eleesha,
Author of - The Soul Whisperer

And often I'm guided by crew scheduling, my children, grandchildren, my husband and friends. Today I'm guided by the joy of celebration. It's time to take the day off and help my husband celebrate his happy 73rd birthday. (Which I think he forgot.) And that makes it all the more fun for me to create the surprise effect.

Have a great day~

Enjoy the Journey!
XOX Karlene


  1. Happy Birthday to your husband.

    1. Thank you Rob! We had a RR lunch with the grandkids. Hit golf balls. Bought flowers for the garden. Took in a movie and put up shelves we'd been putting off. A fun day!


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