Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Flying Dream Realized

Flash from the past!
One of my many jobs included instructing on the 737 at Premair (while flying for Northwest Airlines). We had daughters to put through college, so the second job was a must. But that second job did more than expected. I just received an email from a student from many years ago.

737 Training 2006
Hi Karlene,

It's been a while since you did my initial B737 TR, and I will never forget the simulator training we did in Seattle with PremAir. You gave me such confidence that I can fly the B737 and finally, after exactly 8 years, I can share with you that I checked out as a captain on the A320 with SilkAir (Singapore Airlines) a few months ago.

A dream realized thanks to your initial support!

Kind regards,
Captain Sebastion 2014

Each day we all impact the life of others. It may not be through formal teaching events, but you are making a difference. And it's fun when you hear about them later.

What are you doing today to help someone achieve their dreams? 

Today: Thank A Teacher

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

Karlene Petitt is an International Airline Pilot
Author of best selling Aviation Thrillers:


  1. What a compliment. It is amazing all the people we influence in this career,

    1. Thanks Rob, this is the most fun about this industry. And no matter what you think, you are always inspiring or helping someone...even when you don't know it.
      Thanks for your comment!


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