Monday, December 9, 2013

Nelson Mandela: Possibility

“It always seems impossible 
until it’s done.”

Nelson Mandela

A tremor of pain was felt throughout the world last week when Nelson Mandela died. In memory of his passing my friend, Alex, sent me numerous quotes...All equally inspirational. This quote resonates with the task of writing a novel...sometimes just surviving the holiday season and all that life throws your way.

I won't bore you with the details of what has consumed my life the previous six months. But I squeezed time to work on Flight For Safety, after I give everything to everyone else. I've edited on planes, in waiting rooms, in the ICU unit at the hospital and during grand children's nap time. I climb out of bed at 3 a.m. and often stay up until well after midnight to find time to write.

And when I think it's done, I go back into the story and find areas that need to be massaged, and sometimes attacked with a hatchet. But the work never ends...until it's done. I've been cleared for the approach...landing soon.

If I looked at the big picture of my life and thought I would have time to write one novel, let alone two, I would have thought I was nuts.
The reality is... Anything is possible.

Take it one day at a time and when you are done, you will only looks impossible before you do it.
We might have it for Christmas... 
but definitely for the New Year. 

Thank you Alex for the inspiration!
XO Karlene


  1. He is on my World's Leaders list.

    An African man, a prison cellar the size of a bathroom, a victorian poem and 9000 days.

    All these elements made a human change a nation, change the world.

    An inspiring political strategy through rugby and a definite establishment of peace and harmony through the Rainbow South African flag.

    God bless Mandela and the Rainbow Nation.


    1. Thank you so much Alex. It's amazing how someone can have such conviction and go through such pain beyond himself, for the better of the world. Thanks again for sending me his quotes!

  2. I shared this on my blog this week, a TFR (Temporary Flight Restriction) around Nelson Mandela's funeral, attended by world leaders:


    Madiba, the world has stopped to honor your passing!


  3. This event was a TFR for the world, so that we can stop, remember, and keep flying higher and higher throughout his legacy. Thank you for the tribute and I forsee your novel finishing soon maybe before Christmas to which I am greatly looking forward to!!

    1. Thank you Jeremy!!! Yes...the impossible is going to be a reality before we know it!


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