Monday, December 23, 2013

Forgiveness, A Gift...

"I think the first step is to understand that forgiveness does not exonerate the perpetrator. Forgiveness liberates the victim. It is a gift you give yourself." 

I received a special request to write a Monday motivation on forgiveness. Since I too believe forgiveness is a gift, what a better time than on Christmas week. 

There will always be people that have harmed us, taken advantage of, done something we didn't think they should have, etc., but holding resentment for them does nothing to them, and everything to the person holding the anger.

We are all human. People make mistakes. Nobody does everything right. I am willing to bet that every person reading this has regrets for their past mistakes. Thus the first person on your list to forgive should be yourself. Then add to it all those people you feel anger for.

Anger and resentment for anything is like a poison running through your veins. Perhaps this holiday season we can spend a little more time opening our hearts and giving the gift of forgiveness. To your health and happiness...give it a try!

Happy Holidays!
XO Karlene


  1. Thanks for another great post, Karlene. I needed that one. I'm at my dads house, which when we are all together is more like a frat house with 5 teen boys and a dog. Things are getting crazy!!

    Hope you have a great Christmas,

    1. Oh... how much fun! I hope you all enjoy a fun Christmas. Sounds like you are on your way!
      Merry Christmas

  2. Forgiveness liberates the soul. That's why it is such a powerful weapon.

    It can literally change everything. It changed South Africa! Actually, society.

    I used to find hard to forgive. Now, I know how and when to forgive.

    I'm pretty sure you know how good it feels!


    1. It does liberate the soul. I'm so glad you found the way to forgive. It's in us all. We just have to decide. GREAT talking to you today!!!

  3. Karlene, this is a much needed post. I like your point that we should start by forgiving ourselves, then onto others. Sometimes this is harder than others. Once again, thank you for this great post.

    Happy Christmas!

    1. You are so welcome Jeremy... could be a great New Year's resolution for everyone. :)

  4. Karlene,your word ring so true.
    Forgiveness one human condition that is sometimes in short supply.Yet it is one of the greatest gifts we possess.

    1. John, isn't that the truth! The greatest gift that you can give to others and it comes back ten-fold.


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