Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Great Africa Air Safari

Where I work, many pilots avoid flying Africa like the plague. But for others, they pack their Beavers and ship them to Cape Town for an adventure of a lifetime.

This year's Fly It Forward event, alias Women Fly at Seattle's Museum of Flight was missing a couple pilots. Mike, David, and Doug Devries, and their famous Beavers. Why? They have gone to Africa for another adventure.

Doug DeVries: 

"Well friends, here it is, the moment you've all been dreading, The Great Africa Air Safari blog is up and running, hosted by the Museum of Flight. So if you've nothing better to do than live vicariously through a bunch of wacko pilots flying their Beavers around the Great Continent, fire up those iPads and tune it. What's to lose, it's cheaper than Ambien, and more effective!"

The Great Africa Air Safari

Who is Doug kidding. This is going to be a journey of a lifetime and we get to live it vicariously through Mike Lester, David Wyman, and Doug DeVries, (Museum of Flight Trustees) as they journey through Africa. 

Follow their blog to watch videos and hear stories of their journey. Already posted is what it took to pack up three Beavers and ship them to Cape Town. For anyone in Africa who has the opportunity to meet up with this team of "wacko pilots" tell them that I said hello.

It's all about the journey, and this is one of the best!!! 

Click on The Great Africa Air Safari 

and join Mike, David, and Doug's journey. 

XO Karlene


  1. You are really an adventures person. Enjoy your journey and all the best.

  2. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing the link and showing us what's going on!

    I can't wait to see more of what they are doing. Would you ever do something like this Karlene?



Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!