Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pilot is A Jailbird!

Lora Yowell, My dear friend from Aviation Universe sent me the following plea to help bail her out! She tells me she's a jailbird. So I donated to not only free her, but to free the children plagued with muscular dystrophy, ALS and other neuro-muscular diseases from their wheelchairs. 


"Yep, I’m a Jailbird. And I’m pretty proud of it." 

She should be proud~ This is what she's doing: 
"I’m taking part in the 2013 Elmhurst Lock-up benefiting the Muscular Dystrophy Association. As a Jailbird, I’m working to raise my bail via donations from my friends and family, all of which go to help MDA.

MDA is dedicated to curing muscular dystrophy, ALS and other neuromuscular diseases. At the same time, the Association provides health care and support services for people living with these diseases — right here in our community.

Please consider supporting my fundraising efforts with a tax-deductible donation. It’s easy — just click on the secure link below.

Thanks in advance for joining the fight against muscle disease. Remember, every breakout means more breakthroughs for MDA. I’ll keep you posted on my progress."

Lora Yowell

This week I'm going through the pain of recurrent training. And I say that with jest, as there is no greater pain than watching someone you love become plagued with a neuro-muscular disease. Please help spread the word by forwarding this post to your friends and colleagues. And thank Lora for the great work she is doing on behalf of the kids. 

With your help one day this boy shall fly. 
Thank you Lora!

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. Thanks for helping a good cause, Karlene.

    1. Ah... thanks! It's nice to support good causes and good people behind those causes.

  2. Thank you, I always take note of the great causes you write about!

    1. Thanks so much! And when you're in Chicago track down Lora and Richard's shop. They are great people and you'll have fun in there. A kid in a candy store. And... she'll carry your books too! A must. :)

  3. Karlene, thank you so much for posting about this cause. This definitely a jailbird I would love to bail out not to mention to visit the next few times I am in Chicago on the way to visit family.

    Definitely bookmarking this one!

    1. Thank you so much Jeremy. You must definitely stop by. They have NWA stuff in their store, too. It's really a great place!


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