Monday, April 29, 2013

SeaTac Washington

"SeaTac: Some might call it an Airport. I call it home."

I have heard it said, "People in Seattle don't tan, they rust." But when we have a beautiful day... it makes all those rainy days a distant memory. The following photos were taken on a walk around my neighborhood last week.

My home is a little hideaway in the middle of the city of SeaTac. I can walk to work in 25 minutes. From my office, I look out to my backyard on one side, which was snowing pink with the wind, and can watch the squirrels play in the trees out the other side.

Enjoy every moment wherever you are. For me... there is no place like home.

XO Karlene


  1. This is so true Karlene. There is no place like home Sometimes the views from the ground are just as beautiful as those fron above. Loving those photos. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you so much Jeremy! You have a great week too!!

  2. Don't you LOVE it when the trees start blossoming? We do have a beautiful spring in Seattle with all the foliage bursting out in blossoms and colors. NICE office!! :))

    1. Thank you Linda. I always said I love fall the best... but Spring and the bursting blossoms are awesome.

  3. Love to see more of where you're from! Seattle is a beautiful city. I was there a few years ago when I went on a cruise through the Inside Passage to Juneau, Skagway, and Prince Rupert.

    Seattle has some awesome scenery, and I was lucky to be there when it got sunny for a few days!

    We went on a tour of the Boeing factory and got to see the first 787 on the production line, I loved seeing that when I was younger!... still would! Hopefully I'll be back in Seattle sometime soon!

    Thanks for sharing,
    Swayne Martin

    1. Thanks Swayne. Yes... to get sunny days during a visit in Seattle is the best gift you can get. What an awesome trip too. You got to see it all. And the first 787? The full deal. You'll have to come back!


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