Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Special Day

Happy Birthday Kayla! 

Working in the field... puts a smile on her face!

The many faces of Kayla... and so many sides. She's a wife, mother, sister, daughter, aunt, UCSB graduate, UW grad student, splunker, teacher, track coach, tri-athlete, and best of all... my middle daughter! And it wasn't too long ago someone told her that she would never walk again. Never underestimate the power of determination in one of my children. 
They're all awesome!

Modeling days...

She did it! Kayla and her Dad.

"I do! Kayla and Ryan."
Kayla, Miles and Ellis Happy Halloween!

Kayla and Ryan
Krysta, Kayla, and Kalimar

Tomb in Cyprus

Kayla, We hope you have a great day and we'll celebrate next Sunday! We love you!!! 

XOX Mom and Dad


  1. Hi Birthday Kayla!!!

    Best wishes to you! I love your modeling photo! May the the tailwinds take you to the best moments and achievements in life.

    Three beautiful daughters, Karlene. I know why! Because they have a beautiful mother! :P

    Have a great week!

  2. Happy Birthday, Kayla!

    Such an awesome announcement and great photos. Please personally send my wishes when you celebrate this Sunday.

    I also wish her luck in pursuing her field

  3. You have such a lovely family, Karlene! :)

    1. Thank you so much Victoria! I have to agree. :) They're are great!!!


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