Sunday, March 31, 2013


May you find all the blessings in life, 
Today and always

Love from my family to yours...
 Happy Easter!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Juliet Lindrooth

Friday’s Fabulous Flyer

 Stearman at EMAM
Juliet Lindrooth

The Women’s Air Race Classic is getting ready to take off from Pasco Washington on June 18. And today we meet a racers. Not just any racer, but Juliet is part of The Wunder Woman Team. She is also an American Airlines Pilot, and a woman who had no easy task of making her dreams come true.

The world is sprinkled with people who have vision, clarity, and determination. But how many of those people also have the ability to keep going even life continues to put the chocks under their plane? Juliet’s story is one of conviction and determination. And as you read the events that transpired across this fabulous woman’s life, know that there is nothing you cannot overcome and surpass if you work hard enough for your dreams and never give up.

It’s my great pleasure to introduce Juliet Lindrooth. (And her planes)

Stearman at EMAM

“Early on in my life I knew I wanted to fly. At the age of three, I informed my parents that I was going to be a pilot when I grew up. There was a little pat on the head, smile, nod and a “sure honey”. My resolve never faded. Every Halloween, I dressed in some sort of flying costume and went out with my friends. At the age of 15 my father, who was a United Airlines Pilot, finally asked me the question I had been waiting for my whole life—if I really wanted to really learn to fly. I jumped up and screamed, “yes!”

3000 going for a flight at EMAM

Could I really do this? Could I really learn to fly? A few days later, I took my first introductory flight. My Uncle had taken me up once when I was 13 in his Cessna 172 and my Dad had taken me up in a helicopter, but had never actually flown an airplane. So there I was, 15 years old, sitting in a Cessna 152 and learning to fly. I didn’t even know how to drive a car yet, but I was learning to fly. The feeling was thrilling.

Stearman in grass at EMAM
Back at high school, the boys quickly became either awed by my pursuits or intimidated by my passion for flying. When they asked me out, my response was, “thanks, but I’m going flying after school.” I soloed on my 16th birthday. I think I was way too excited to be scared. At 16, most kids don’t understand the risks. I know I didn’t. It was just a dream come true to take that plane up by myself. I never wanted that instructor in the plane with me again. What a day.

The champ returning from barnstorming
A few days later I got my drivers license. That was in 1979. I had to complete my cross-country flights and practice for my check ride. Sadly, the fuel crunch of 1979/1980 put a slowdown on getting my license when I turned 17. But I had determination to get it done. So just before I turned 18, I had my private pilots license. Now I could take my friend flying with me. And so we did. A couple of teenagers in an airplane. Wow, thinking back on it and as a mother of four grown kids, I don’t know if I would have let my kids go up in an airplane with other kids. I wouldn’t even let them drive with other teens in the car. But then again, airplanes are safer then cars.

Barnstormer in farmers field.

By the time I graduated high school I had my instrument rating. Then I was off to college. I couldn’t afford college and flying, so I put the flying on hold. I had a plan. Get a degree, get the rest of my ratings and get a good airline job. I had a life plan. Four years of college, a degree in Business Administration, 5 years working for Xerox to pay for training and get my ratings, two wonderful children, five years of flight instructing, three years at the commuters and one failed marriage later, I landed at American Airlines. What a journey. I met the love of my life and married my best friend and inherited two more wonderful children.

Bathtub at EMAM

There still was something missing. I had always vowed to fly a GA airplane across this country. I’ve flown airliners back and forth thousands of times, but to do it low level, slow and in a single engine airplane was one of my life’s bucket lists. Then tragedy struck. I was severely injured in a car accident on the way to work.

Yep, I’m the poster child for flying is safer than driving. I was only ¼ mile from the airport. I was told that due to the nature of the injuries that my flying days were over. For eight years I fought my way back to health, and convinced the FAA that I really could fly airplanes again. Despite the FAA, AMR medical and most of my Doctors telling me that it was impossible, I didn’t listen. 8 years and two days later, I was sitting in the cockpit of a 757 getting my IOE for American Airlines.

I was back!

To Vail

Now, getting back to my goal of flying across the country. The accident experience taught me that we don’t know when our last day will come. So now I’m committed to getting my bucket list done. It’s funny that for every item I check off, two more seem to appear. Oh well, I’m having fun getting the list done. I never want to run out of adventures. Isn’t that’s what life is all about. So right after I got my medical back, I decided to return to the 99s. And there I met the sister I never knew I had, Mary Wunder.

While we are not really blood sisters, we seem to be life sisters. She was leaving for the Air Race Classis shortly after we met. Wow. That sounded fun. What a way to cross off two items on my list at the same time. Go on an air race (powder puff derby) and fly a light plane across the country. Being fresh back a work that first year, I couldn’t take the time off to go, but I promised Mary that in 2013, I would be her race partner. We are looking forward to spending two weeks on a grand journey together. I’ll be bringing my camera.

Barnstormers in the farmers field

In the meantime I have been busy working on the other items on my bucket list. I am now flying international, going places have always wanted to experience. I have been to Barcelona, Madrid, Milan, Rome, Zurich, Paris, Manchester England, Brussels, Rio de Janeiro, and lots of little Caribbean islands. I have flown into St Martin. This is the one where the airliners come in right over the beach and everybody stands a few feet under our landing gear and watch. They hang on the airport fence when we take off and get blown into the ocean from the jet exhaust. I don’t understand why they do it, but there you have it. I use each trip as a mini vacation and see the sights that each country has to offer. It’s a perfect job for me.

Rocket at EMAM

Additionally, I joined the National Ski Patrol, skiing all winter, and in the summer time I volunteer at the Eagles Mere Air Museum in Eagles Mere PA. There you will find over 30 vintage airplanes. Some are one of a kind. Some are representative of the airplanes that the women of the first Power Puff Derby flew across the country. One of the museum buildings is dedicated to women and their roles in early aviation. Eagles Mere Air Museum is one of our main sponsors for the air race. On Sundays, you will find me flying some of those grand airplanes for the crowds. You can’t believe the reaction I get when I pull off the leather flying helmet and the crowd sees a woman. It’s fantastic.

My office the alps

I can’t wait for the Air Race Classic. The views from the Mooney are going to be fantastic and the journey across the country twice, is going to be fantastic. We are taking the northern route to get out to Seattle and the southern route back home. The race starts in the Seattle area and ends in the Little Rock area. I hope to meet some fantastic women along the way and make tons of new friends.

So why am I doing this? Apart from my bucket list, the grand adventure, meeting wonderful likeminded women, spending two weeks with my best girlfriend, I want to show and encourage women of all ages that flying can be fun, rewarding, and that you really can have it all and do it all.”

Barnstorming Champ

Juliet, thank you for sharing your story with us. You are an inspiration to the world of aviation, and to each person reading this—especially me. At some time or other each of us will all face a set back or two. Life problems will jump in our path. But far too often those situations are used as reasons why we didn’t fulfill our dreams, instead of opportunities to prove to the world we can do anything. You are not only the poster child for why flying is safe than driving, but also for “I can do anything—just watch!” Best of luck with your continued airline success and may the American merger go smoothly!

For everyone else, please share your thoughts with Juliet and your support for her success in the first race. I have so many questions about these wonderful planes. And next week, we will meet the other half of “The Wunder Team!”

Enjoy the journey!

XO Karlene

Thursday, March 28, 2013


T.H.ursday with Tom Hill
(Photos taken at Harris Hill, glider site, in Elmyra New York.)

One of the best pieces of advice I have ever been given about flying and emergencies is this:

"When you first encounter the emergency, 
wind the clock."

I'm sure lots of you are saying, "huh?!" Yep, that's the advice: "Wind the clock." What does it mean? It means do not jump to conclusions and make a bad thing worse. 

Back in the bad-old-days of analog watches -- those were days when people actually wore watches on their wrists, by the way -- military aircraft were configured with simple clocks that rarely kept good time and always seemed to need winding. It took a lot of winding before the second hand moved. The advice was really a way to distract you after first encountering an emergency. There's lots of goodness to this advice. I'll explain.

When I first entered training and was taught how to deal with emergencies, one thing I was not taught was "calm down." The typical emergency exercise was a quick affair requiring prompt and immediate action. Most instructors didn't appreciate delays or deep thought by their students. Such actions were perceived as ways to stall, which were rewarded with more problems on top of the initial indications. Your failed engine might turn into a fire problem. If that didn't cause action, then the instructor would add more -- say, the wing would catch fire -- until there was no way to solve the problem, which resulted in an inevitable crash. Of course, the desired effect was prompt, immediate action by the student. Students learned to assess and tackle emergencies as quickly as possible, which looked like some sort of karate exercise with all the switch accusations and lever pulls some solutions required..

There's a problem with this training approach. Most emergencies will not result in immediate catastrophic failure. Except for a few things, modern aircraft are not so vulnerable that single points of failure will result in dramatic results if not dealt with immediately. In fact, if the problem was so large that imminent death might result, the problem may have no solution at all, leaving the pilot with nothing to karate chop through.

The real problem, and one we have all seen first hand, is inaccurate diagnosis. Inaccurate diagnosis causes the aircrew to solve the wrong problem. Most of us multi-engine pilots know the hazards of grabbing wrong levers and accidentally shutting off a good engine, leaving the bad one to burn away. Every few years the Air Force relearns this lesson--don't shutoff the wrong engine. We have lots and lots of procedures and techniques institutionalized to prevent this type of thing from happening, yet the problem persists. That is because the basic problem was not addressed -- accurate diagnosis. This leads to the advice: "Wind the clock."

The Air Force teaches its aviation neophytes a saying to help deal with emergencies: "Maintain aircraft control, analyze the situation, then take proper action. Land as soon as conditions permit." This is simply the spelled-out version of "wind the clock." Nowhere in this litany does it say "karate chop through the emergency." In fact, it emphasizes what is most important, and in the right order of importance.

After Test Pilot School, I went back to the F-15 schoolhouse to get re-qualified. I had been out of the F15 for three years. Part of the discipline pounded into us at TPS was the discipline of the checklist. As powerful as it is, using a checklist step by step by step takes time. This is especially true if you're flying by yourself. The auto-pilot doesn't work, it's night, you're in a simulated cloud. It can take forever for some.

The F-15 community prides itself to a large degree on the thoroughness of its training. Graduates know the aircraft inside and out. This is especially true of the emergency procedures. So thorough is the training that there are no memorized procedures on the checklist. There are no CAPS or Boldface for aborting on the runway or for engine, fire, thrust-loss on take-off and such, as you would with other aircraft. How do they get away with that? Because the training makes you memorize the whole darn thing. Sure you have a checklist but it's for "reference purposes only," meaning you should have accomplished all the procedures before referring to the thing -- which kind of ignores the whole point of a checklist, doesn't it? 

One day, I was in my final practice emergency procedure simulator, during which the operator/instructor got to dial-a-disaster any way he wanted. It's supposed to be tough, a rite of passage in a way. Unfortunately, I disrupted his plan for my death and destruction by tackling the important things first, then diligently reading and confirming every step on my checklist. Of course, this took a lot longer than he planned. We didn't cover as many scenarios as he thought we would. And, I didn't crash once. We ran out of time before we got to his favorite epic Kobayashi-Maru style failure, which always caused a student to crash.

During the debrief, we had a disagreement on the utility of checklists. The instructor accused me of using it as a crutch for my seeming lack of knowledge about the aircraft. Of course, I disagreed. In retrospect, I think he was more upset about not being able to do his full dial-a-disaster plan than my use of checklists. At least I hope that's what he was upset about.

To this day, I make it a point to brief my crew mates that I won't karate chop my way through an emergency, "just 'cause." I had better have a really good reason to do procedures off of memory, versus reviewing them in the tech order first. Yes, there are times when you will do things from memory -- there was the pumping the gear down on final at night in Anchorage, which is a great learning story. But mostly, stick to the checklist. And wind the clock.


Photos by Tom Hill

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A330 and Trim

Today... Positive Stability and Trim... 

... One of the major differences between the A330 and the Boeing. 

If the Boeing aircraft was trimmed for level flight, and the pilot pulled the nose up without trimming and then released the control yoke the nose would drop, and after some phugoid oscillations the plane would stabilize at a level flight attitude. This is positive dynamic stability. 

An Airbus will not pitch down because the flight control law is G-load demand. Pulling the stick back calls for more g-load. When the stick moves to neutral the plane will stay at the pitch attitude the pilot put it. The pilot tells the plane where to go, the "man behind the curtain" runs the g-load. 

If the pilot takes their hand off the stick, the stick moves to neutral, but the nose stays were it was placed. What if the Airbus were in Alternate Law? This would mean there would be no stall protection. Low speed stability "is" available in Alternate Law, but indicated airspeed must available (along with other functions listed below). So with the loss of airspeed indication, they had lost their low speed stability. 

What does all this mean? It's all about flying the plane and always keeping your scan... even in an automated plane. It means going back to your basic instrument training and believe your instruments. If your pitch attitude says you're at 10-12 degrees in an Airbus... believe it... You are pitched up, even if you can't feel it.

While we can stall both planes Boeing takes more of an effort than an Airbus in Alternate Law. But in normal law the Airbus won't stall.

What will the future bring? Will we only train pilots how to program computers, or how to fly? Flight deck management and computer manipulation are essential under normal operations, but do not forget the power of a pilot with the ability to fly.

In our logbooks we broke apart our night and day flying, instrument and VFR (visual) flying, etc., ... Perhaps we should have a breakdown of hours with autopilot on, and those hand flown. Flying the plane makes a difference in your ability, that will carry with you forever. 

If you are learning to fly today, more than likely the majority of your training will be in an automated plane. Take the autopilot off and fly as many hours as possible. It's worth it.

Answers to yesterdays questions: 
1Why did they get a stall warning if they weren't stalling?
  • The airspeed dropped to 65 knots. And the plane thought it had stalled. Below 60 the stall warning would cease because the plane would think it was no longer flying... on the ground.
  • The stall warning is based on angle of attack not speed. However in turbulence it does not take much to bump the AOA vane to the stall warning threshold. The stall warning has an obvious margin built into it, the plane does not necessarily think it's stalling when the warning sounds... It is a warning given before things get desperate. Also at cruise Mach the stall warning threshold is very narrow (as the stall angle of attack is much lower at .82M than it is at .3M.
  • However the angle of attack is only considered valid if the airspeed registers above 60 knots. If less, you must be on the ground, right? oops... maybe  not.

  • Therefore there are several versions of alternate law , primarily 1 and 2, the main difference being the roll command mode ALT 1: roll rate demand,  ALT 2: direct law, with each having g-load demand in pitch, but that pitch law may be with or without stabilities depending on what's broken. (Confused yet?)

2.   Why did the plane stay pointed up if Keith put the controls back to Neutral?
  • The plane does what the pilot commands, and will fly wherever it is pointed.
  • Neutral Dynamic Stability.

3.   Why is it easier to stall an Airbus while in Alternate Law, than a Boeing? 
  • In alternate law the plane still trims, the pilot can't feel the control force of pitching up and stall protections are not available.
  • Loss of indicated airspeed, weight data, flap/slat position data or multiple ADR failures (or ADR disagree) can cause the loss of low and high speed stabilities. 
  •  If those are working, then there will be some back stick force required to stall the airplane, but it won't come close to the weight-lifting exercise required in a Boeing.  
4.   Why is it easier to stall a Boeing than a Airbus in Normal Law?   
  • The A330 won't allow the pilot to stall in normal law
5.   Why did Darby say put the plane on the 3 degree line? 
  • That is a good gouge for level flight. 
6.   What was that ding, and how can they make it stop? 
  • When the autothrust disengaged, it went into Thrust Lock. Until the thrust was moved out of the climb detent, the ding would occur every 5 seconds.  
  • Or click the instinctive disconnect switch and the thrust will also go to where the thrust levers are - most likely: CLB.
7.   Why didn't Keith have to worry about the autothrust being off? 
  • In Thrust lock, the plane would maintain the last power setting before it disengaged. If they remained in level flight, then the power would give them essentially the speed they had prior to the malfunction.
8.   Is Darby a Captain or First Officer? 
  • Poor Darby, she was bumped back to a first officer after the merger. Keith was the captain.  
Have you read Flight For Control? If so... have you left a comment on Amazon? I would really appreciate all the positive feedback. For those who haven't read it... check it out before the sequel releases! 
Coming soon!   

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

Thank you Bill for all your help! It's great to have someone brilliant who knows. "The man behind the curtain." 

NOTE: Bill Palmer: A330 Check Airman who wrote the systems manuals for the A330. He has a book coming soon that you won't want to miss. Until then, follow him on Facebook: And Twitter @WFPalmer  Whenever I have a technical question... he's my go to guy, and yours too.    

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A330 and Honest Fiction

As I edit Flight For Safety, I am reminded how much we can learn from honest fiction. Honest Fiction? Sounds like an oxymoron. But there is more truth that you know, and we can learn from it. 

Long-term memories are made when emotion is involved. When we see the action verses hearing or seeing the words, we remember. I am willing to bet that all of you can remember a highly emotional situation, no matter what it was, that you were involved in.  Imagine if you could read a a fun story and learn something that will stay with you forever. Perhaps save your life, and those of your passengers. My goal is to take you into the story so you feel the emotion.


For those of you who know me, I have spent 22 years instructing on many different Boeing aircraft. Now I am on the Airbus A330, and I'm writing fiction. What do you think is going to happen in Flight For Safey? You just can't take the teacher out of the pilot once it has been ingrained. 

I am taking you into the flight deck of another world and you will learn many things the easy and fun way. After much research and a huge thanks to the assistance of my technical editor, Bill Palmer (the pilot who wrote the systems manuals and help to put the A330 into service at Northwest Airlines),  every detail will be accurate. The story will take you to the next level of understanding, and a greater level of fear.

Not a pilot? Who cares. Flight For Control pulled everyone into the story for one heck of a ride. With powerful characters, strong women, an important message, and a little sex... what's not to love? 

Teaser Alert

Rain streamed up the windshield. Darby had never seen such a thing. The outside air temperature was -50C and the total air temperature was -21C. Was it possible to get liquid water at these temps?
            “Beep. Beep. Beep. Ding. Ding. Ding.” The master warning and master caution lights flashed, and the airplane cried warning. The autopilot and autothrust had both disconnected.
            Their airspeed indicators rolled back to 65 knots. The flight directors disappeared. A roar like machine gun fire attacking the plane, vibrated in the flight deck. Messages displayed rapidly across the ECAM—Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor, and were being replaced by others faster than she could see what they were.
             “Jesus fucking Christ!” Keith yelled. One hand grabbed for the thrust and his other grabbed the stick. 
            “Don’t do anything!” Darby yelled over the noise. “Let the plane fly.”        
            “Stall! Stall! Stall!” The plane cried.
          “We’re not stalling,” Darby yelled. “Look at our ground speed," She said pressing the data button on the MCDU and then selecting GPS data. “Here ya go…We’ve got a ground speed of 486 knots.” 
            “Ding.” The plane warned them that the autothrust was disconnected, and would continue to scream every five seconds until they acknowledged it. But if they left the thrust levers alone the power would remain in the last setting. If it were good enough before, it was good enough now—and one less thing to worry about.
            Darby looked back at her PFD. Their pitch was supposed to be at 3 degrees for level flight. 
They were at 10 degrees and increasing! What the hell?
            “Stop climbing,” Darby yelled. The A330 could pitch up to 10 to 12 degrees very rapidly 
without much effort. 
            “Don’t climb. Bring the pitch down to three degrees.”
            “But I let go of the stick.” Keith yelled. “It shouldn’t be climbing.”
            “It's going where you told it to go,” Darby shouted, as she pushed the stick forward. “We have to put it on 3 degree line.” 
            “DUAL INPUT!” a synthetic voice blared over the speakers. Keith was back on the controls—they were both flying the plane. She focused on the goal of level flight, and her hand hovered over the stick.  Once stable, she removed it, but kept a watchful eye on the pitch attitude. 
             Unlike the Boeing, the A330 trimmed to relieve elevator pressure for whatever pitch attitude the pilot wanted without the pilot's help. When Keith had let go of the stick, the stick had moved to neutral but the nose stayed pointed up because he had put it there. 
            This was the first plane Darby had flown that the pilots did not trim. It took an effort to pull a Boeing into a stall with cruise power and not touching the trim. Not the Airbus, because it trimmed itself. The A330 was smart. But not smart enough to out think a pilot who screwed up when the plane was in Alternate Law. 
             “Shit. What the hell is this?” Keith said, breathing rapidly. Almost hyperventilating.
            “You’re in Alternate law. Just fly what you’ve got.” But he had a death grip on the stick and worked it hard. “Just little pressures to keep her level. You’re not whacking off, just flying a plane.” 
            “What about our power? I…I think the autothrust is off.” The plane bounced and rocked.
            “Don’t rock the wings, you’re inducing instability,” she said. “Your autothrust is off. Don’t worry.” 

Today I'm in Atlanta doing a recency. Tomorrow we'll talk about Positive Dynamic Stability and answer the questions below.

Test your A330 (and story) knowledge:
  1. Why did they get a stall warning if they weren't stalling?
  2. Why did the plane stay pointed up if Keith put the controls back to Neutral?
  3. Why is it easier to stall an Airbus while in Alternate Law, than a Boeing?
  4. Why is it easier to stall a Boeing than a Airbus in Normal Law? 
  5. Why did Darby say put the plane on the 3 degree line?
  6. What was that ding, and how can they make it stop?
  7. Why didn't Keith have to worry about the autothrust being off?
  8. Is Darby a Captain or First Officer?

Enjoy the Journey!  Remember to get your copy of Flight For Control so you'll be ready for the continuation of the drama...

Please take a moment to LIKE my Facebook page and see what is in store for 2025! 
XO Karlene 
NOTE: Bill Palmer: A330 Check Airman who wrote the systems manuals for the A330. He has a book coming soon that you won't want to miss. Until then follow him on Facebook: And Twitter @WFPalmer  Whenever I have a technical question... he's my go to guy, and yours too.   

Monday, March 25, 2013

Angel Flight Events

"Angels Really do Have Wings... 
They're called Pilots."

Angel Flights West is returning the GIFT to all those pilots who give, and to those pilots who want to learn more about their profession and stay connected to the breath of their industry. The Museum of Flight in Seattle is hosting this great opportunity and we hope you can all make it.  
Presentations for Pilots 
Hosted by Angel Flight West 

For over 30 years Angel Flight West has saved and improved the lives of thousands of people by arranging air transportation donated by volunteer pilots and commercial airlines partners in the 13 western states. 

Now they are hosting presentations for pilots at the Museum of Flight in Seattle. There is no admission charge to the museum or to the event. Light refreshments will be served. Free entrance and free beverages and interesting topics? What pilot wouldn't want to attend?

An RSVP is appreciated to:

Guest speakers will join the event several times a year, along with updates and information of interest to Angel Flight West Command Pilots, and pilots interested in learning more about becoming a volunteer pilot. Many of you noticed how many of our volunteer pilots flew our Women Fly event were Angel Flight pilots.

April 3, 5-7 pm in South View Room, 2nd Floor of Museum of Flight

Introduction by Alan Dias, AFW (Angel Flight West) Executive Director and Bill Ayer, AFW Foundation Board Member AFW Operations Update by Josh Olson, AFW Director of Mission Operations.

Presentation: iPads In The Cockpit by Steve Podradchik, CEO of Seattle Avionics

Seattle Avionics sells aviation data for most major iPad apps and recently worked with AOPA and Bendix-King to create two all-new iPad apps: AOPA FlyQ EFB and myWingMan from Bendix-King (Honeywell). Based on this experience, this discussion goes over what iPad-based Electronic Flight Bags (EFB) do and what they don1t do, what to look for when selecting an iPad app, what the general issues are when switching from paper to an iPad, and what the future has in store for these devices.

June 13, 5-7 pm in South View Room, 2nd Floor of Museum of Flight


Presentation: Single Pilot Resource Management by Johnny Summers, FAA Designated Pilot Examiner & Alaska Airlines Pilot

Crew Resource Management (CRM) was born of the need to reduce airline accidents. In 1979 at a NASA workshop, they found the primary cause of aviation accidents was human error. Since then the techniques have been refined and incorporated into every airline training program as well as many other industries. The techniques learned through the maturation of CRM are not limited to multi-crew aircraft. Much of the training is scalable to the general aviation community. This integration is termed Single-pilot Resource Management (SRM) and is still in its infancy. We will look at the current status of SRM and then open the discussion for ideas of continued improvement and growth.


Additional dates in fall and winter 2013 to be announced

 To find all their events, please click HERE and follow the “Events” links from the front page.

3161 Donald Douglas Loop South, Santa Monica, CA 90405 –310-390-2958 or 888-426-2643 –