Sunday, February 10, 2013


Scholarship Winner Announced AND Someone Special wins the iPad Mini!!!

by Ruth Morlas

What a whirlwind the last few months have been! Working, training for a fitness competition, writing, and moving to a new city is enough to wear anyone out. So, it is with immense pleasure that I finally get to announce the winner of the Gift Of Flight Scholarship by I also get the opportunity to thank all those who have supported me and continue to support me in this effort. But, before the big announcements I want to give some background to this scholarship that no one has heard about!

My name is Ruth Morlas, the face behind After years of pursuing my passion for flying, I decided I wanted to share tips and tricks that I have picked up along the way that I would have LOVED to know when I was going through my flight training and pursuing a career as a pilot. Many pilots I know were introduced to flying by parents, uncles, friends, neighbors, etc. Some took advantage of scholarships, the Civil Air Patrol, and other pilots they knew to help them achieve their dream.

But, I know that out there, are people who’s passion is born within themselves and they may not have access to the guidance that can be offered by their community. is a community for people to get the information that they would otherwise get from a more experienced pilot, a parent familiar with aviation, a neighbor who works for the airlines, an uncle who’s a flight instructor, etc.

The scholarship idea came about because as a flight instructor, I saw many students struggle in their flight training, not because they weren’t trying, but because they would run out of funds. By the time they solo’ed, they had already spent most of their savings. So the Gift Of Flight scholarship was born in order to help someone solo right away and they can use that momentum to finish and obtain their certificate.

Although there were several exceptional applicants, the winner of the scholarship this year was chosen because there was a clear demonstration of the 3 traits that it takes to succeed in aviation:

1. A passion for flying

2. Dedication to becoming a future aviator

3. Willingness to give 200% effort to achieving their dream

Although the winner will be able to use the scholarship right away, the $3,000 scholarship is not fully funded yet. To help fully fund the scholarship, there will be several items for sale on the PilotTricks website under Products. 100% of net proceeds will go to the scholarship fund. Some of the products available are:

  • Gift Of Flight Holiday Greeting Card and e-Card
  • ASA Pilot Logbook
  • Adjustable Dumbbells (used) - Coming soon
  • Workout bench (used) - Coming soon
  • Private Pilot in Three Months e-Book (How To Get Your Wings Without Loosing Your A$) - Coming Soon!!!
  • Cost of Private Pilot Workout Sheet - FREE for Karlene’s blog readers, just use the discount code: KARLENEBLOG
If you have an item you would like to donate to help fund this scholarship and help the winner solo, just email me at

I want to send special thanks to the following special people who have supported me and this idea from the very beginning, either financially or with words of encouragement or both:

  • Karlene Petitt
  • Timothy Lehman
  • William Brower
  • Heather McCorkle
  • Cecilie Larsen
  • Jeremy Carlisle
  • Linda Gray
Thank you all for your kindness, generosity, and for sending good vibes out into the universe that I know will help make this a success!!!

Okay, see who the Scholarship winner is AND to see who won the iPad Mini - 
Click Here!


  1. Congratulations Melissa and Timothy!!!! To Melissa, this scholarship is putting you so much closer to your goals and dreams and Timothy enjoy that iPad mini as I'm sure it will be quite useful as well!!

    To Ruth it is my pleasure as I love to support and promote future aviators. It is what I love to do.

    Speaking of future aviators, my "logbook" literally is a piece of paper with my hours located in my wallet to which I need to desperately get a logbook before I head out to the airport for my next flight.

    So I know where I will be purchasing mine.. ;)

    Cheers fly safe and have fun!!


    1. Thank you Jeremy!! All the way around.
      XOX Karlene

  2. Wow, that's fantastic, Ruth! Many congrats to Melissa, and to Timothy.

  3. Congratulations to the winners, and I urge people to continue to support this cause.


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