Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday Motivation Dreaming...

"Some dreams come while we sleep, and there are others that grow in our hearts and nurtured by our souls, until we make them a reality." 

2013 is the time to start anew.
The year where everything is possible. 
Where dreams come true.  


What are you dreaming about today? 

 Maybe it's time to shift your thought
from why I can't... to why not!  

The possibilities are endless. 
                                       The sky is limitless. 


  1. One of the things about being human in this world is having a negative if not down right evil voice inside of a person that says, "No you can't" "You can't afford it" "you don't have the smarts or ability to pursue it." These are very dangerous thoughts that hold us back. The truth is we are given challenges in life that are not impossible to overcome. Only if we could be over on the other side of that fence where the AA 777 is.. Yes. And yes all of us CAN do it. When there is a will there is a way. And that's my phrase for the day.

    1. Jeremy, unlike stories... where there is always one antagonist... we have two antagonists in our life. Those people outside telling us we can't... and those voices inside agreeing with them.

      We have control of those internal voices. All we have to do is say... why not? There is always a way. And I love your phrase for the day.

      Thank you for the great comment!

  2. It's a stunning perfect winters day in Florida - low temperatures - cloudless blue sky - I'd so much rather be flying (have to get someone to take me though) or sitting at the airport with my camera - than being stuck in the office working - oh to win the lottery and get to enjoy those dreams - but - back to the grindstone :)

    1. How beautiful! I'm sitting in the foggy day in Seattle... imagining the view on top. All I can say is... buy that lottery ticket! I am.
      Thanks for the comment and enjoy those blue skies.

  3. I love Monday Motivations, Karlene. This one is perfect. It's exactly what I've been thinking about. We'll never know unless we give it our best shot, and we want to know!

    1. So true... give it our best shot!!! We can do it! You just never know. Thank you for your comment!

  4. It's definitely time, and it's never too late! I love today's motivation. This is something that I've been embracing since giving up my career to be a full time author. And I'm loving it!

    1. You surpassed the fear, and plunged forward. An amazing feat. And look at you now. Only good things to come your way. Thank you so much for the comment and see you soon!

  5. You've turned Mondays from "oh, the weekend is so far away" to something very motivational. Thank you!

    1. Thank you Cecilie! That's the nicest thing. Maybe we could make every day a Monday. :) Thank you for the great comment! And now we can attack the week!

  6. I have a dream... That one day I can make history in Aviation and open a Flight Academy that would open doors for future pilots, graduate them as "on-demand" for our industry, improve safety and make dreams come true. I have a dream!

    1. Alex, you have an incredible Dream. And I ask... why not? I know you can do it. Just keep that vision and your focus, and your incredible energy... you will get there. You've got the talent, and passion... and you're willing to work hard. I say... why not?

  7. Hi evryone :) am Antonio 23 years old form Italy, pilot sport light aircraft and general aviation (PPL) everyday of my life i think about flight since 6 years old and help poor people(reduce the hunger in the world), talk about aviation with everyone and explane how your dream can be reach with only determination and passion, i would like to share with you guys one part of my life," Left the high school and my family and start to work to pay my sport light licence in italy, move to UK without speck any words of english, and work 11-12hrs as kichen-porter or floor clener at day to save money for food and pay the next licence move to SOuth Africa and study to be a private pilot (PPL)and now finish again my money back 9 days ago in Italy :) and start to send CV to find a new job and pay my next licence CPL or maybe if i can but i dont know how , try to find a scholarship or sponsor to give me some help and then payback when i start to work in airline,i love fly more then how i love my life and everyday i think why this is happen to me, i had an emergency in South Africa on a new aeroplane with only 2 hrs of experience and i save the name of the school and the company build this aeroplane for nothing only Thank you Mr Merola... i landed saftly on the beach , with smock in the cock-pit , fuel , engine fail , just after take off ; without see where am going and not window to bread and more then 150 people on the beach i want just say to evryone nothing is impossible if there is healt and passion, monday can be the first day of the week or the beginning of new life :) Ciao "Once you have tested flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, there you have been and there you will alway long to return"

    1. Antonio, I love that... the first day of the week or the beginning of a new life! How inspiring. And amazing you survived that incredible feat of what could have been a horrible outcome. Why? You didn't give up. You focused and kept flying the plane. That's what we need to do in life. Excellent work! So nice for you to join us and thank you for the great comment!

  8. Beautifully said, and so inspiring! I'm dreaming about my upcoming release this year. Excited, nervous, and ready to embrace the future!

    1. Lilly, just follow your heart and all will be great. Nervous... I know. Kind of like being naked on the side of the road... but all is good. You'll be a smash. Best of luck. Keep following those dreams. And I suspect you will be creating a few wet ones for some. It's all good!!

  9. I've always felt confident that I can do anything. Somethings may take longer, but if I remain determined (even if not actively) I know that I will succeed. This is a great way to begin this week. Even though I like to call myself an "Eternal Optimist," even I need to the reminder kick in the posterior sometimes to refocus me. Mahalo!

    1. Oh.... all the eternal optimists need to hear this stuff over and over. It's like training for a marathon. We can never hear enough. And we're all on the same team and help and support each other. I know you are going to accomplish all your dreams!!! You're awesome!! Thank you for the comment!

    2. Mahalo for all you do and the support you so freely give. :D

  10. Loved your post Karlene, sorry I didn't respond earlier. Great photos as well!

    Your quote is fantastic, I might have to quote you on it in a future post on my blog.

    For those of you who don't know me, my dreams, aspirations, and training are shown step by step on my blog at:

    Many Thanks for sharing Karlene,
    Swayne Martin @MartinsAviation

    1. Swayne, Thank you so much. Yes... by all means you can quote me on this! And thank you so much for your comment and stopping by. Dreams... they're for us to live!

  11. in my mind i can immagine an infinity freeway.. with many stops each one of them is a weekly day..but once we reach the end.. it can be also the beginning..."Sunday-Monday"
    i love how we can order our life.. with days - hours - week - months - years - and we are everytime in continue evolution and change... the nature can change , the earth can rotate a bit less and mantain it balance, the people chance but ....Monday can not change with age , it is like a dream to reach every week which follow us for all life.

    Pilot 89

    1. The most beautiful thing I read all day... perhaps longer. Thank you for the incredible comment.

    2. Your Welcome Karlene , an incredible comment for an incredible person like you ..Ciao


  12. to a friend and a big axemple for me I would like to say'' le plaisir que procure un vol d avion n aura jamais son egal. keep on flying and share that amazing happinnessss than none else cannot explain that all. fs

  13. Lovely page Karlene you are indeed an inspiration to all out there especially young aspiring females, aviation is a way of life and only the well read and disciplined truly survive in it. A lovely piece by Mr. Merola, I am sure that he will achieve his goals in due time,

    1. Thank you so much for the lovely comment and pulling me back to this page. I'm just finishing a motivation book called Flight To Success, and this quote must go in. I am sure Mr. Merola will achieve his dreams.


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!