Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday Motivation: You Are Greater Than...

 "You are part of something much greater 
than one person could be on their own."
Andy Schwaderer

 "Proceed Tactical"

Andy Schwaderer is separating from Active Duty and heading to the Reserves. He recently had his going away party at which time his squadron "embarrassed, humbled and spotlighted him in a wonderful way." He also had a surprise for them. 


Andy commissioned a gifted artist, Maren Conrad, to do a painting of the C-17 in flight. He has placed this painting on loan to the squadron.

Andy's message to the incoming pilots who gaze upon this painting,

"I am leaving this to you to serve as a reminder of the legacy that you carry forward. Remember that you are part of something much greater than one person could be on their own, that great rewards often hide behind great risks, and that you control your future."


  1. This is so true without people to support us we couldn't be as great on our own. This comes to show to cherish the friends we do have. Thank you to you and Andy for this great message!

    1. Thank you Jeremy. I feel this every day. We are so much more because of the friends we share our lives with.

  2. What a powerful message from Andy, and he said it so beautifully!

    1. Thank you Linda! He is leaving a great legacy behind.


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