Friday, January 4, 2013

Swayne Martin

Friday's Fabulous Flyer

Swayne Martin

My name is Swayne Martin; I am a sophomore in High School.

Ever since I was little I have been surrounded by aviation. Over the years, I developed a real passion for it, being fortunate enough to go to some pretty cool places around the world and really experience flight. Just recently, I decided to do something with my passion. Today, (December 28, 2012) I took my first flight lesson and really enjoyed it. It is an amazing feeling learning how to fly a plane. After flying so many times commercially around the world to places like France, Alaska, Mexico, and Korea this summer, it was really amazing to be the person actually piloting the aircraft. My ambitions are great, hopefully one day I will be in a position to turn flying into a career.

Today was really a turning point in my life. I took my first flight lesson, being fortunate enough to have the experience of piloting a Tecnam Sierra around my city for an hour. It was the first time I have really piloted an aircraft. It was an amazing feeling for me; I can’t wait to get started on my PPL!

Flying in a commercial plane as a passenger is one thing, but being in control of the aircraft feels so much more special. It has become such commonplace for people to fly off to destinations around the world. Sitting in that little Sierra, I thought about what people would have given 110+ years ago to have this chance. Flying only a few thousand feet above the ground doesn’t seem like much by our standards today. Obviously to people long ago, it would’ve been life changing. 

I felt so calm being up there, 
and cherished every moment of it.

My favorite part was definitely learning how to do 90 degree banking turns. Today we went over climbing + descending with a specific speed and set altitude, turning to a heading accurately, level turns, and steep turns without loosing/gaining altitude. The instructor told me towards the end that I was the PIC for over 90% of the time. He really only did the takeoff and landing. Today, I affirmed my passion for aviation and am proud to say that I can’t wait to make my own path as a pilot. I’m in it for the journey, not just the end goal. Most people from my private school end up being doctors, lawyers, or businessmen (all honorable professions)—often staying in our home city. For me, I just can’t live that way. I love travel, exploring, meeting different people, and seeing new parts of the world.

One of my biggest goals is this: “I want to be an old man, sitting in a rocking chair, never being able to tell the same story twice.”

As you can see from many of the pictures, beginning when I was a little boy, I developed a real passion for aviation. Family members, especially my grandfathers (Pop and GP), who passed the passion on to me, surrounded me. I feel lucky that I grew up in such a warm aviation filled environment. 

A family friend of mine (who flies a Gulfstream IV) predicted that after I took my first lesson--I would be hooked and it would all be over (in the sense that I would go after becoming a pilot as a career, with no turning back). I can’t deny that this very thing happened to me today. In general I try my hardest to live my life without regrets. I know for a fact that if I do not at least give flying a shot—I will regret it forever.

If you have ever had an interest in flying--I highly encourage you go out and spend the $50-$100 necessary to take an intro flight. It’ll be worth the time and money. You will not regret it!

Please Join me on my blog:

You can also find Swayne on Twitter at @MartinsAviation

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

--Leonardo da Vinci

Swayne, Thank you for sharing your passion with us. I know that we will all follow your blog. We are the wind beneath your wings...and together we can fly.

And for everyone else, we'll see you Monday for a little Motivation and the challenges that Swayne has faced by those who disbelieve.

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. Thanks Karlene! I appreciate that!

    I hope you all enjoy my blog, I am really hoping to inspire new/future aviators to take their passion to the next level (by using my story).

    Many Thanks,
    Swayne Martin

    1. Thank you Swayne. You will be inspiring future aviators. As well as those old ones like myself. :)

    2. Inspired! :]
      Don't ever give up on your dreams of becoming a pilot Swayne.
      I've looked at the 40+ pictures on the wall here at the Grissom Airport of men & a few ladies who have soloed and when I ask about them..Only a Handful actually finished their flying and received a PPL.
      I am addicted to the air now After I had my Intro flight back in Sept of 2012 And I plan on starting Aviation courses in the fall. I'm gonna be a pilot one day!
      Don't ever give up on your dreams and what you Love

    3. Thanks for your comment Melissa! Don't you ever give up either... that's great advice!

  2. Hi Swayne! You certainly have the drive and passion that will get you through flight training! Looking forward to follow your blog, as well as Twitter (I'm @cecilie_larsen btw)

    1. Thanks! I appreciate that. Glad you enjoy the blog!

      I'm excited to take the career head on. I know I would regret it forever if I don't at least give it a shot (and really work at it).


    2. Thank you so much for reaching out Cecilie. I
      am so glad that you two can connect.

    3. My motto in life is that I'd rather regret something I did, than regret something I didn't do. You seem to have the right attitude to enter this industry. Don't get discouraged by negativity. There are many examples (heck, you don't have to look further than the brilliant author of this blog) out there to prove the negativity wrong. Being a professional, commercial pilot is something that will be extremely rewarding in the long run. There will be rough spots, but I'm sure you will get far. Mark my words :)

    4. Thanks Cecilie! I hope that it will all work out someday. I know it'll take a lot of work to get there, but I'm ready for it. It's a little intimidating for me, especially the mechanical side of it (learning about systems in aircraft), but I'm sure that would be intimidating for anyone new to it all.

      I'm not willing to live my life always wondering what it would be like. So I know that I just have to go for it.

      Glad you're here with me for the journey!

    5. Thanks, Karlene, for interviewing this amazing kid. I too have plans to interview him on my blog, as I believe he's a great inspiration to others like him. He's definitely "going places" in his future career!

      Gread job, Swayne!

    6. Thank you! I know he looks up to you... and as he should. You are an inspiration to all.

  3. Way to go Swayne! We'll be rooting for you!

    1. Thank you Brent! It's great to have support when you're getting into this industry. Actually... any industry! Thanks for your comment.

  4. Wahh he looks so young and yet he's very brave at heart and have positive mindset. I would like to know more about him and he did inspire me and I'm sure the rest of aviation lovers too...
    Lucky you Swayne, being able to step closer to your dream slowly and steadily.

    Hopefully someday we'll meet, all of us... :)

    1. Mima, follow his blog and connect with him. You can chase your dreams together. And yes... one day we shall all meet. Thanks for your comment!

    2. Thanks so much Mima! I hope you will enjoy my blog and I am thrilled that my story inspired you! That's my main goal in all of this. My email is under my profile on my blog, twitter is @MartinsAviation Feel free to contact me anytime!

      Hopefully one day we will all meet! Crossing my fingers :)

      Thanks so much!

  5. Swayne, so nice to meet you and welcome to the pilot's world! The intro flight is THE experience of a lifetime. Nothing will be like it. Getting at the controls of the plane for the first time. The adrenaline. It's truly uplifting.

    I will take a look at your website and also link it to my website (a partner site to this one) I can also be found on twitter @CaptainAboard

    1. Thanks for your comment Jeremy. There is not better feeling. Well, I actually had one... the first time I sat at the controls of a 727. Were they really going to let me fly that plane? You know, there are so many of those feelings with each new experience.
      Thank you for reaching out to Swayne!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!