Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fear of Flying

But I want to be a pilot...

"I really want to be a pilot but whats really holding me back is the fear of flying alone... You need solo hours and I am so scared ... How can I overcome that fear? Can you please help me? That fear is holding me back from getting my private license. I don't know what to do." 

We all fear the unknown. It's understandable that you would be afraid of flying solo, since you don't know how to fly. The best suggestion I can give you is to go flying with your instructor. Learn how to fly. You will overcome your fear because your confidence of doing, will overcome your fear of the unknown. 

This is something that will take time. But the more you learn, the more you practice, the better you will become. Be safe. Be smart. Follow your passion. And watch that fear melt away. 

Have you ever been afraid of flying and became a pilot? How did you overcome your fears?

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. I will never forget my first solo. I got into pilot training through a rather atypical route through USAF navigator training. By the time I had my first solo in the T-37 (a twin jet), I had 500+ hours of military aviation under my belt. I was experienced in other words. I was so nervous. In fact it was very much not an enjoyable experience.

    The thing that got me was the responsibility, the reality I was responsible for everything when I was solo. Even though I did well and had the skills, I felt the responsiblity was a heavy burden for a few years even well after getting my wings. The best thing that got me past that burden of being an aircraft commander or pilot in command was to become responsible for more. When I became a flight lead becoming responsible for my entire formation, not just little old me, that burden of flying by myself really went away. Flying became second nature.

    After 25 years piloting isn't a burden like it used to. It's always a worry like anything else. As Karlene says, with time the burden will disappear and the worry will become managable.


    1. Tom, Thank you so much for sharing your experience. What a great comment. We all think about flying solo in a Cessna, but a T-37.... that's another experience. At least in the commercial airliners we have someone there to watch each other's backs. Time will take that fear away for sure.

  2. I've been asked If I'm afraid or nervous about solo-ing, My answer.. No, All I have to do is Fly the plane :]. I read a Book about Bob Hoover, One of the Greatest Pilots ever. And starting out he would get motion sickness and got sick every time he flew. How'd he overcome it?? By flying. If you want it bad enough like Bob did You'll do it!

    1. Melissa, that is the best way to go at this. I pulled myself out of fear by telling myself that my instructor would not have signed me off if he didn't think I was ready. Then all I thought about was the task, and all else flew into place. Thanks for your comment!

  3. I can actually relate to this feeling, though I'm not sure if I would use the word fear. I wasn't sure of what to expect when going out for my solo flights, and the unknown can be frightening at times.

    Through practice came confidence, and my instructor told me "You are ready" before I went solo. Confidence boost from Mr Instructor, he made me believe in my skills, and though it was kind of scary that first take off all by your self, it was an exhilarating feeling I will never forget, and would not have been without :)

    1. Yes... that was how it was for me too. New pilots don't know enough to know when they are ready. We have to believe in those who taught us. And have the confidence. Confidence is everything!

      Thanks for the great comment!

  4. I love this! I think maybe entering my first writing contest when I could barely call myself a writer. Got over that one!

    1. Ali, yes... I know that feeling too! Oh, you should see my first work. It's quite humorous. We can get over that fear!

  5. As both an airline captain and licensed therapist, I have worked with nearly 10,000 clients who are anxious (or worse) when flying.

    We get our emotional strength when we (early in life) build in qualities and characteristics of our relationships with others, notably our parents.

    How well that develops, of course, varies. And when there is anxiety, it really goes back to what did - and did not - get built in.

    Thus, to fix the problem, we can build in more emotional strength by linking the challenge (in this case, flying solo) to the memory of supportive moments with a person who is important to us emotionally.

    If interested in help on this, contact me through

    1. This is interesting. I might be the outlier on this one. I didn't get that linkage when I was young. But I did learn to conquer my fears by creating a belief that I could, and then just doing. Thanks for your comment.

  6. I'll never forget the shock of my "demo" ride to see if I wanted to take lessons. I figured I'd be the passenger, but I was told to get in the left seat. With play-by-play instruction, I took off, flew and landed the plane. No fear, but much surprise.

    1. Oh... this is so funny! ME TOO! That's exactly how that happened. And then I thought, "And they're going to pay me to do this?" It's an amazing feeling. Thanks so much for your comment!

  7. I never had a fear of flying solo- more a sense of disbelief! But I found as lessons progressed that one day, quite unexpectedly, I thought "I can do this". Really looking forward now to the opportunity. Also, as a bit of an aid to myself, I have watched many, many first solo videos on You Tube. The purpose is not to learn, as such, but to be able to visualise the event and myself in it. LSP

    1. What a great comment. One day we just know. And one of the best ways to practice out of the plane is to visualize. I do that before every flight. Every landing.

  8. I'm sure I've signed before. Your website is wonderful. I enjoy looking/reading it every once in awhile. FEAR OF SUCCESS

    1. Thank you Kathlene. Just checked out yours and any kind of healing is essential!

  9. Nothing beats your desire and passion and that overcoming the fear of flying with hypnosis is now available for individuals who needs confidence and courage.

    1. I say, whatever works ... do it. Especially if they are being incapacitated for what they want t do. Hypnosis is great!


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