Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy Hanukah

While not a major Jewish Holiday
Hanukkah is a festival
That lasts for more than a day

Presents, gifts, and a lots of delicious food 
During eight days of celebration
Spirits are festive and good

Some families exchange gifts all in one night
And others gift for all eight days
Communities, and families decide what is right
Hanukkah occurs at different times each year
throughout late November and December 
according to the Hebrew calendar my dear

Fried potato pancakes served with applesauce
In Israel jelly doughnuts are the choice
Latkes and Sufganiyot are enough for applause

A candle is lit on the menorah each night
symbolizing a miracle on the small amount of oil 
that lasted in the Temple in Jerusalem 
For 8 days and 8 nights

May Everyone Have a Beautiful Holiday Season

XO Karlene


  1. Karlene, what a beautiful Hanukkah post and message. I truly wish that you were here to celebrate. I will be posting photos of my celebrations soon to my blog when I deliver my holiday message. Not only that but also to think of that perfect holiday gift for you! Thank you so much for the best Hanukkah card ever!!

    1. Jeremy, I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures of your celebration. I'm sure every day is perfect. And... The best holiday gift for me is you to have a great season!

  2. Dearest Karlene,
    What an awesome beautiful post. Thank you for sharing it. Sorry we couldn't get the chance to celebrate Hanukkah together. Come back to NY soon!

    P.S. Instead of one day of presents, we get eight nights!!!

    1. I'm sorry we didn't too. But maybe we can next year. And I'm thinking... 8 days of presents sounds really nice. I hope you enjoyed each day of celebration.

  3. What a lovely sentiment. Happy Hanukah all!


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