Monday, December 3, 2012

Family and the Holidays

"I realize that not all families are perfect 
and that mine was certainly not one of them. 
But herein lies the importance of 
what my life experiences were meant to be. 
For it is through imperfection that I have also 
discovered the meaning of perfection. 
In which, I can only aspire; 
to ensure some semblance of which – 
I will be able to provide for a family, of my own." 

December is in full roar. Mine started out with a surprise trip to Amsterdam followed by babysitting, and sleepovers with the grand-children. The making of Gingerbread men, decorating the tree, Christmas movies, popcorn, stories and bubble baths all surpassed the need to sleep. And tomorrow is Santa Express. Amazing what the year has brought. 


But when I think of family, I have to thank Eleesha for this quote. Because not all families are perfect. But through this imperfection we can laugh, cry, hope, and grow up to create the lives and families we want for ourselves.

The holidays are a time that will be filled with much emotion. Thousands of airline people will be flying and away from their families. Some will fly to avoid pain and emptiness at home. Others have no choice and will celebrate early. But there will be many first time holidays spent alone.

Despite your circumstances, make a choice to start today and celebrate the entire month. Christmas doesn't need to be just one day a year. Find little moments in your life to bring a smile to someone's face, and joy to their heart. This is the essence of holiday spirit. Enjoy all the moments that you can create.

What are you doing special to celebrate this month?

Enjoy the Journey!
XOX Karlene


  1. Karlene, December, less alone life is full of surprises. Even if its Amsterdam. Even though December will have it's dark moments for me, it also, at the same time, will be very bright. Filled with light. You shall see as I have pictures to send to you.

    1. Life is full of surprises isn't it. You gave me a great idea for our dark moments. I think we need to fill them with the light of great memories and future possibilities! Looking forward to the pictures.

  2. So true, Karlene, the holidays bring up lots of emotions. Christmas is such a beautiful time for children, and your pictures of your grandchildren remind me exactly what that's like when there's a little one filled with wonder, delight, excitement. p.s. I can't believe how big Kadence is getting!! Thanks for this lovely post!

    1. Hi Linda, Thanks so much for your comment. Yes, emotions for sure. She is only 4 and sitting beside me drawing a Christmas card and spelling all by herself, too. Amazing. Looking forward to seeing you next Friday!

  3. I love December! Last night we had this season's first snow fall, and a 5 inch thick white layer is to be seen outside my window.

    I think we should celebrate the entire month. A lot of people in this world will not be spending Christmas Eve or Day with their loved ones because of work or other commitments. By celebrating each and every day in December, I think those two special days will be easier to cope with.

    Oh, and those gingerbread men, they look absolutely delicious :)

    1. Oh... I am so jealous. I hope we get snow this year. There is nothing more beautiful on an early moment. It's so peaceful. Feels quiet.

      Yes...every day we shall celebrate!!! I'm going to. I know you will too.

      Thank you for your comment!

  4. I'm celebrating by visiting my family in a few weeks, and by releasing the Winter Wonders anthology! I love your pictures. Your grand kids are the cutest thing ever.


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