Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pilot Yogi in Kalani

It is not uncommon for a pilots to say good-night to the sun. Leaving it behind as they depart, they meet it on the other side of the world upon arrival. I have seen many sunrises. But there is something spectacular about being a speck sitting on a lava rock in the middle of the ocean, watching the sun rise. 

Breathing. Appreciating. Awakening


Sometimes we forget to appreciate the good things in our lives. 

Take a moment to remember the flying job that frustrates you now, was once something that you wanted more than anything in the world. Remember the time when that person who shares your life and annoys you, was someone you once would have given anything to be with. And those children who often test your patience, were the babies you held and cried tears of joy when they were born. 

Everything in your life has once been a desire. 
Find the gratitude in your abundance.

This morning, prior to our first Yoga session we learned how to breath with the Breath of Fire. Just one little thing that could reduce anxiety, strengthen your nervous system, take control over your mental state, help with circulation, and increase creativity. I'm wondering if my fellow pilots will think I'm nuts if I do this to awaken myself on that long flight, instead of coffee.

Today was supposed to be about aviation scholarships, but I've decided to move that to next Tuesday. I am grasping this week for me time. What are you doing for you?

Enjoy the journey
XO Karlene


  1. Good morning!! Its beautiful here today, too. Here is what I am reading to start my day...thought you might enjoy it considering where you are and what you are doing....

    1. Oh, this is fabulous! And, I'm thinking you should do this next year. :)

  2. These are good words. I am actually working on a post about the romance being lost for career pilots. It's sadly ironic that we all work so hard to get here only to be miserable - for some, not all of us.

    1. It is ironic, and so sad. But this happens in every field. Ours in particular has changed so much, so the job is not the same. But there is a point when we need to find gratitude in what we have, and if we don't like it... do something different. Today is the only day that counts. Looking forward to your post.

  3. It's fine to plan for tomorrow, but we must find our contentment in today, for we never get to live our tomorrows.

    1. So true. Today is the only moment we truly have. We must find the moment now.

  4. What am I doing for myself? - getting ready for YOU! Planning, plotting, and praying (that everything will go OK as this is my first event.)

  5. I don't drink much coffee either. Working on my Instrument Rating and starting a pilot training tip series on YouTube.


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