Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Aviation Universe WebStore

Has Arrived! 

To get to Aviation Universe you once had to Fly into O'Hare, and travel to the west side of the airport, about 10 minutes away. Now you can shop from your home and still get the personal touch.

This week is the Grand Opening 

Mike, Lora, and Richard

There is something special about a community store. Mix in the air of Aviation and a couple pilot owners, you've got success written all over it. Success because of the joy Lora and Richard bring to an industry, and passion they share with Aviators. Of course two pilots would own dogs named Orville and Wilbur. 


More Than Just a Pilot Shop

"We carry all the things you'd expect your Pilot Shop to carry, and so much more! Crew supplies (including pilot shirts, uniform accessories, Bags, binders, and Flight Crew Logs)  Kid's Toys, Unique and Handmade gifts, Collectible Models (Civil and Military), Flight Simulator Software and Hardware, Books, Magazines, clothing....

We're adding new products everyday, so check back regularly for updates.  And if you don't see something ...give us a call.  We may not have posted it to the webstore yet or it may be a new product we should carry. Our webstore is dedicated to the same high quality of customer service that we provide in our retail store."

The iPad case is a new item, and I think a must. 

 Flight Simulator Software

FAR AIM 2013 is one their featured products.  
They're selling it for 20% off until the end of October!

One of the greatest things about the Aviation Community is the support and encouragement we share. I had the opportunity to meet Lora and Richard, and the Aviation Universe team during my Flight For Control Talk. They are great people, and this is a fabulous store they have put together is one of a kind. 

Please take a moment and follow them on Twitter @AviationUnvrse 
If there is anything you would like them to get for you, or you're interested in finding... leave a comment and ask. I'm getting my fleet of planes I've flown over the years.

 My Braniff Model is on its way!

 What can they ship you? 


Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene



  2. This is my type of shopping! ;-) Do they ship internationally?

    1. I knew you would love it. And I just updated the above... YES! They ship internationally!

  3. Great Doughnuts....

    Tim (8DME W ORD)

  4. Karlene, what years did you fly for Braniff? I flew for Braniff B727 then Eastern , Braathens in Norway and finally called it quits, started a telecom carrier , now i am training my 2 twin daughters 12 years old to start their flying career from a young age and they love it.

    1. I flew for Braniff 1989-1990... untill the number two shutdown. Then I went to America West training department for 4 years, while teaching on the side. Then Guyana to put their 757 into service. Then Tower on the 747 until their shutdown. Then NWA... until, well... you know.

      How cool your twin daughters will be flying, and you're teaching them. I'm thinking maybe I'll be able to train at least one of my six grandkids one day. But who knows where aviation will be then. Keep that dream alive for those young ladies!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!