Friday, August 24, 2012

The Wright Brothers....

Friday Fabulous Flyers...

Happy Birthday Alex!!!

Today is Alex’s 17th Birthday so I asked him who is most motivating person in Aviation history is for our Friday Flyer, and he said....

“Tough one, I have too many. But I have a clichè answer: The Wright Brothers. Imagine when they saw birds flying... Can humans fly? They proved that nothing is impossible. They hadn't given up on flying. Because of them, I knew I was born to fly, that my soul belonged to the skies, and the airplanes are a part of me. 

They created something that I could fall in love with, my passion. Commitment, leadership, brainstorming, physics, mathematics, ambition, courage, strong minds, strong souls, confidence, trust, challenges, the sky and the air, the magic!  They had all these characteristics, and I don't know what would our aviation situation be with out them, despite Santos Dumont also did the "same" invention after the Wright Bros. Maybe I have to thank them?

Imagine how complex it was to build something that could fly heavier than air! All airlines and airplane manufacturers exists mainly because of them. It is a true example of never giving up, even if you are experiencing big problems!”

And there you have it, from the mouth of the birthday boy. Please take a moment to wish Alex a Happy Birthday!!! And tell us who your most motivating aviation person in history is.

Today... Paris. Minneapolis. Seattle. 
Enjoy the journey! I'll be home soon.

XO Karlene


  1. Happy Birthday, Alex. Wow, seventeen--what a wonderful age to be. I love the passion you express for flying.

    1. Thank you Linda!His passion will take him far.

    2. Thank you so much Linda!! It means a lot! Have a great weekend. ;)

  2. Thank you SOOO much, Karlene!! I'm so honored and happy to be here!! Wow! Lovely!:D

    1. I wish I were there wishing you a happy birthday in person. But... I was flying home. Paris. Minneapolis. Seattle. 22 hours awake, and then I was out. A fun time had by all, I'm sure.

    2. Well... I thought on building a person made out of cardboard and put a photo of you... But your card was here singing one of my favorite music hits, so I said: Well... She IS here!!! hahahah Thank you SO much once again for everything, I love the card AND the amazing book from a great guy which I will start reading this Monday. Yes,I wish you were here!!! :D

      Great times to come, that's for sure ;)

      Have a wonderful weekend, Karlene! :D

  3. Alex: I wish you many more years of health, success in all your endeavours, and happiness - always!! Posted a birthday card for you on FB. Karlene, thank you so much for making this great announcement! (Have a safe trip home!)

    1. Thank you Jeremy! A virtual birthday card when you're 17 and in love with the sky. I think it's appropriate. Have a beautiful day!

    2. Jeremy, thank you so much for the great card!! Actually it was on twitter! But here is what I'll do: I'll post it on my fb and tag you on the photo. Love the greetings from KJFK! ;D

      Have an awesome weekend! Cheers mate! :D

  4. Happy birthday to Alex! He managed to make a clique answer totally unique, and inspiring. :)

    1. Thank you Heather! He is so inspiring. We can all follow our dreams after talking to Alex.

    2. Thank you so much, Heather!! Have a great weekend! :D

  5. Happy Birthday Alex... I think he has the flying bug like all the rest of us.. Dang... what a wonderful bug to catch too...Let all the greats inspire you..and keep your eye open for the up and coming greats.. that could be you ...
    I have to tell this story.. When I was 17.. I called mojave airport and arranged to take my Civil Air Patrol cadets ( I was a cadet commander ) To see ?Burt Rutan and his new plane the long eze. I volunteered our help to them when we found out about the voyager round the world flight. 6 months later we got a call that said we need you. We went out and did everything for them while they were on thier test flights and on the world flight. I could see in Burt Rutan The spirit of adventure the Right Stuff. The Wright Brothers.. Whatever you want to call it.. I saw a pioneer.. While everyone who has come before in aviation is a marvel to me I still see the firsts that have yet to been acheived. Before my father passed away I told him Burt Rutan should be designing our spacecraft. My father never got to see that. But it came true. The Greats are inspiration. But the greatest is yet to come. At 17 Alex.. YOU have plenty of time to acheive as much of that as you want... BSTW Darin PS.. Someday I will get to visit the smithsonian and look in the archives for my name in the logbook that went around the world with voyager... At 17 I choose to be a part.. Now that I am older I choose to blaze a trail...

    1. Dari, what a fabulous story! Thank you for sharing it. One day I will go to the Smithsonian and see your name too.

      The passion of a 17 year-old... It is so fun to see where you end up. I too had the passion at 17 to become an airline pilot. I do think I had said one day I'll own an airline. And that we would have 3 world airlines when it was all said and done. Looks like two out of three became that reality.

      Passion is a powerful thing. I just checked out Lots of new stuff! Looks good!

    2. Dari, thank you so much for the happy wishes!! The story is awesome! I can barely wait to start my first flight lesson! Everyone that has this flight bug goes beyond the borders, and I will reach this level thanks to Flight To Success, and to many the people that created this industry. I read your blog one time, but I forgot the URL name, but here it is!! Thank you!

      Have a great weekend! Cheers! :D


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!