Friday, August 3, 2012

Jessica Cox

Friday's Fabulous Flyer

 Jessica Cox

Last week in Oshkosh, with Women Soar You Soar, we all were fortunate to meet an incredible woman, Jessica Cox. Jessica touched my heart and I found it hard to keep the tears at bay with her story of strength, determination, and inspiration. Meeting Jessica kind of puts life into perspective.

Jessica was born without arms. But that didn't stop her from living. She was determined to not allow anything to pass her by, and learned how to use her feet for the things we do with our hands. She has also has proven that there is nothing that can stop you if you have heart, determination, and can think outside the box. Her stories will make you laugh, and cry.

When in High school she wore prosthetic arms, but they never felt right to her. One day she decided to relieve herself of the weight of not being who she was, and get rid of those things. She didn't need arms. She had something more powerful: Inner strength.

Among other things, Jessica learned Taekwondo, where mind and body meet. And as it turned out, where she met her husband. A gorgeous couple. A beautiful bride. So much love and commitment.

Compliments of Shanda Romans wedding photography.

Jessica touched the hearts of all the women at Oshkosh, as she's been doing speaking around the world. She is an inspiration to all. Including the pope. 

She can even drive a car!

As if that wasn't enough... 
Jessica learned how to fly!

Jessica is proving many times over that we don't have to be the same, and there is no handicap that can keep us from our dreams, or conquering any fear. Yes, she was afraid to fly. But that and no arms didn't stop her. You just have to believe in yourself and never give up. I hope you will all have a chance to meet Jessica. Or at the very least watch the movie. 
(Now in progress.)

 You can help make the RightFooted documentary become a reality two ways:
  1. Click on RightFooted the Movie to learn how to donate. 
  2. Click on RightFooted the Movie and select Tweet or Facebook and share the link. Sharing the message will be equally as powerful.
Or you can tweet this post. For every heart Jessica touches, she inspires the belief that you truly can do anything. Please help share her story. Who knows whose heart you might touch. When I asked Jessica her favorite quote she said...

My all time favorite quote by Marianne Williamson is, "our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate...our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

Jessica says that if she could live her life over, she wouldn't want arms. What began as a handicap became her greatest strength. Her life, and the people in it, are there because of something that once brought tears and a great fear of what the future might bring. 

Was is easy for her? No. Does she have struggles? We all do. But Jessica is proof that you don't need wings to fly, or arms.  

Enjoy the Journey... Jessica is!

Jessica will be in Seattle August 31st-Sept 2nd. She will be speaking at the Vintage Aircraft show on Saturday at Paine field. Will you be there?

XOX Karlene


  1. This is amazing! There is not a single thing in this world that will keep us from our dreams, because determination will help you through. Awesome lady, and I will of course share this post with others! Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thank you for a great comment Cecilie! There is nothing in this world that will keep us from our dreams is so true. We have the choice to make it work, or give up. But the choice is always ours. You have a great weekend too!

  2. Replies
    1. I agree on the second. One day you'll have to meet this woman. She is amazing!

  3. What a wonderful, awe-inspiiring story. Thanks for bringing that to us. No question, I'm inspired by Jessica.

    1. I'm inspired too. You wonder how she could do all this, but when you meet her, you know. She is an amazing woman, and I hope everyone will be inspired too. Thanks for the comment!

  4. Frank Tarapor CYYZAugust 3, 2012 at 7:12 AM

    Makes one believe that the human spirit can conquer anything!

    1. Frank, so true. Somehow, I believe that too. We are capable of so much more than we know. We just have to believe and try. Thanks for the comment.

  5. She is definitely a fabulous flyer! Amazing!

    1. Can you believe it? And without arms. Amazing for sure.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing incredible stories.I really like the way she thinks.After I read her powerful article,I thought we should declare nothing is impossible.
    have a great weekend,
    Warm regards,

    1. Thank you so much for you comment Jun. Nothing is impossible. You must always believe that!
      I know you do. Have a wonderful day!

  7. This is such an inspiring story! She's so optimistic and she has been trying so hard to achieve all her dreams, even flying an airplane. I was also amused when I saw her T-Shirt that says No Ma No Hands(for real in her case) in the trailer during pre-flight :)

    1. I know... wasn't that cute? I loved that too. I was showing this to my 4 year old grand daughter today and she was so amazed. Thank you so much for your comment.

  8. I miss so many great things that get posted. From all my aviation favorites.. But I am trying to keep up... Jessica.. Fantasitc spirit.. An attitude that so many of us should have. That Nothing.. NOTHING and NO ONE... should ever silence your dreams.. Thank You for Being an ispiration.. BSTW Darin

    1. Thank you so much Darin. Somehow I know that nothing will ever silence her dreams and she makes us all believe that ours will not be silenced either. Have a great day!

  9. i met Jessica briefly at a conference in Ghana last year. she is a huge inspiration in my life as a pilot and somehow,thinking about her urges me to kick out any doubt i have about flying.Thank you Karlene for sharing her story again...

  10. She is such an inspiration. You were in Ghana? I didn't know she had traveled down there. I'll have to keep my eyes open for her around the world.

  11. Hi! I was wondering what flight school and instructor Jessica had? I just met her here in Alaska and was extremely inspired by her story. She is awesome!! Gives most people no excuse not to follow their dream.

    1. Maria, Thank you so much for your comment. I'm not sure, but I will find out for you!! And she inspired me as I have mention of her in my newest book Flight To Success Be the Captain of your Life. I hope that you'll find a chance to read it too!

    2. Maria, here is the information for you!! Jessica trained with Parrish Traweek in San Manuel, AZ. He’s sort of the Ercoupe guru of the southwest. Parrish can be reached at (520) 664-4812.

    3. Thank you so much, Karlene. And I would love to read your book!

  12. Thank you so much,Karlene. And l would love to read your book!


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