Friday, August 10, 2012

Brooke Magalei

Friday's Fabulous Flyer...
Brooke Magalei is a flight student at Embry-Riddle in Prescott. Born in northern California, at the age of two her family moved back to her parents’ homeland of Hawaii. She learned the history of her culture and what it means to have the Aloha spirit within.
Her first memorable flight was for a family trip to Disneyland, and it was the flight that inspired her to dream of aviation.
Like many of us, Brooke didn’t always want to be a pilot. In her early years, she wanted to be a surgeon, fascinated by the workings of the body. Stories of superheroes inspired her to save lives as a hero herself, and she knew that being a doctor would make that dream come true. Superman, her favorite hero, helped her realize that a dream of flight could also be a way to save lives by carrying people to their destinations safely.

A recent solo student, Brooke dedicated her first instructor-less flight to her family. Her biggest dream is to fly the SR-71 Blackbird and the P-51 Mustang. She loves the Blackbird because it is “a beauty to look at” and because it was the fastest- and highest-flying manned aircraft throughout its career. If you’re going to dream, dream big.

“A piece of advice to you new student pilots is to make many friends that are in the same field as you that will influence you for the better. Friends that you feel would help you when you need it. Also, don’t ever compare yourself to other students that started the same time. Everyone works at his or her own pace, and in the end you all end up with the same result. It is never a race.”
After graduation, Brooke plans to return to her home of Hawaii and utilize connections with a small airline in order to build hours until she can move on to a company like Southwest. She would also like to fly for the Air Force and travel the world with her loved ones.

Every pilot has a unique story to tell. Some people take the fast track; some take the scenic route. Some discover flying as kids, while others experience the joy of flight later in life. Brooke, you have the drive, passion, and determination to accomplish anything. Who knows? Maybe someday we can fly Mustangs together.
Blue skies and tailwinds!
Christine H.

Christine, Thank You for sharing this fabulous flyer!  Brooke, excellent advice...those friendships will carry you far. I wish everyone a wonderful weekend!

Enjoy the Journey! 
XOX Karlene


  1. Dream big indeed, and I have a great feeling that Brooke will achieve those dreams! Best of luck to her. :)

    1. I know she will achieve all her dreams. Thank you Heather!

  2. No ka oi!!!! E Hawai`i au!

    This story makes me so happy. It speaks directly to my soul. You will succeed, Brooke. Us kama`aina stick together.
    I understand the love of the SR-71. She is my favorite bird as well and still on my list of one's I'd love to pilot.


    1. I knew she would speak to your soul. Sisters from the Islands. One day your paths will cross. And then you can tell me the secret Hawaiian language. Thanks for the comment!

  3. Maggie, I am so with you about the Blackbird!! I even had a Tshirt I wore for years with the SR-71 on it. Hmm, how about a surgeon-pilot??!! Congratulations on your solo!

    Flying is a great career and I will never regret my decision to be a pilot. Oh, and yesterday one of my first students gave me a ride in his AT6! (Not quite a Mustang, but a fun Mosquito!)Thirty-four years later!

    I so agree with what you said about it not being a race or a competition. I spoke at a father/daughter dinner last night, after my ride, and one of the dads asked me the differences between the sexes, learning to fly. Guys like to make it a competition...girls work extra hard at being good and safe, and sometimes it takes them longer but I think they often have a better feel for the airplane at the end.

    1. Kathy, Thanks for the great comment. AT6? How fun. Yes... women and men do learn differently. And we don't make it a competition either. That's a huge difference. Supporting and encouraging each other. Could that give us more joy in the process? Yes... good and safe is the answer.

  4. Another great story of passion, ambition, and good dreams. Congratulations, Brooke. I love the advice after the Embry-Riddle diploma.

    1. Thank you for the comment Linda. Yes... most excellent advice! I'm liking the way she thinks.

  5. Aloha Brooke! I love Hawai'i! Paradise on earth :)

    Congratulations on your solo! It is truly a special moment in any pilots life, and one you will cherish forever. :)

    1. Thank you so much for the comment Cecilie. Okay... maybe we should go to paradise next?

      The solo... the perfect moment etched in our memories.

  6. Great heartwarming story and love the photos.


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