Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Special Day in History...

 Happy 21st  Birthday Cecilie! 

To imagine Cecilie flew on a Tower Air 747 at 5 months old from Oslo, Norway to Miami, and years later I would be flying that exact plane. And then one day I would be taking a picture of her in front of our favorite plane in Seattle Washington. Aviation is a place that shrinks the world and brings together people and builds friendships that will last a lifetime.

Today is Cecilie's 21st birthday, and what is she doing to celebrate? OH WOW!!! Sounds like a great celebration to me. I wish I could be there to celebrate with her, but schedules conflicted this month. We will have our time to party... just at another time.

This is one woman that has been flying strong for 21 years, and she will continue to leave an imprint on this world as she jets off to new destinations with passion and focus. Cecilie is one of those people who cares about the aviation industry, the people within it, and their future. She will be a world leader.

Please take a moment to wish this incredible young lady the happiest birthday ever. And remember to drop on over to her BLOG and say hello.

Enjoy the Journey... Cecilie is. Happy, Happy, Birthday!!!
XOX Karlene


  1. Very cool! Nice to have Cecilie on your side, Karlene. Happy Birthday, Cecilie!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CECILIE! Wishing to you all the best!! And wow, what a story! \o/

    1. Thank you Alex... and someone else is having a bday this month, too. Looks like August is made for celebrations.

    2. Awwwn!!! *O* So lovely!

  3. Happy birthday Cecilie and happy flying!

  4. Very very happy birthday dear Cecilie, 21 used to be a very special age in Holland.
    It used to mean you become an adult.
    Karlene made you a cake! She did that for a friend and me once!
    Have a wonderful and special day today!

    1. Thanks An. But don't tell Cecilie. I didn't bake this time, I borrowed it off the internet. :) But I have an excuse. Or multiple.

      21 is a special birthday. I too hope she has fun.

  5. Happy Birthday Cecelie=) See ya on Twitter... Awesome Gal....

  6. Thank you all so much! I really appreciate it. And Karlene, thank you for this surprise, it was a pleasant one! :) Have a great weekend!

    1. You are so welcome... but we all want to know, what you did to Celebrate the Norway way. In the US... drinking is the big thing because finally it's legal. But for you... 18 was the year. I know you were traveling, and hope it was great fun!

    2. Good question actually. Since drinking isn't such a big deal here (as you said, 18 is the year I can buy beer here) I just had some friends over, we had some wine, went boating, had a bonfire etc. The next day I had some family over and we had cake and ice cream. Then I went to Germany and continued the celebrations at the busiest international airport in the world! So much fun!


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