Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Motivation: Teamwork

We all know the power of teamwork. But even with the greatest team comes unique challenges. Captain Yaw, Mr. Porter, recently sent me another definition:


"Means not killing each other, 
just encouraging one another as far as we can go!"

Let's keep pushing each other to be the best we can be, and to create positive change for the world. Be assertive with respect, and always hold your hand out to those on your team. Together, there is nothing we can't accomplish. 

Enjoy the Journey!

XOX Karlene

Flight For Safety: First Draft, 67,197 words = 236 pages


  1. Well said, by both you and Captain Yaw. By the way, congrats on your progress on Flight For Safety!

    1. Thanks Heather. Type. Type. Type. Halfway point and all downhill? hahha

  2. Team work is definitely essential. Together, anyone can create wonders :) I am really looking forward to your next book! The progress you've made is nothing short of amazing!

    Also, as I mentioned on Twitter, Medicine on the move made it to a national Norwegian magazine (kind of like the TIME magazine in the US) - pictures of Lydia and all! I'll scan it and show you one of these days!

    Have a great week, Karlene!

    1. That is so great they made it to a National Norwegian magazine! I'm really looking forward to finally meeting them. They're coming to OSH!!!
      Lydia is such a sweetie. Yes... scan and send. Thank you!!

  3. Just being a word-wizard here..but how many really "Like" being 'Pushed"? If I have team-mates (or crew) that have to be 'pushed' than something is wrong somewhere. "Push" is a tad negative in my little World at three-five-oh.
    "Challenge" is just okay, "Motivate"...tad more positive and speaks to reward of obtaining the goal or accomplishing the task. I'd hate to "Push" an FO in showing me how good they are...but if I can motivate them it is a win-win...they get better and I have to work less-hard (or from mentor to babysitter).

    Guess that explains much about why I like the 4th stripe and CRM.

    Enjoy SVT K...the answer to #7 is "True".

    Tim 8DME_W_ORD

    1. Oh... yes, the word critics of the world. Can you edit my next novel? :)
      You're right... I think it would be a much better saying if we said...

      "Means not killing each other,
      just encouraging one another to go, as far as we can go!"

      Okay... with that said, I'm taking my editing pen out!

      We never want to push anyone... I do enough button pushing as it is. Lifting up. Motivating. Supporting. Encouraging. etc..

      Thanks for your comment!

    2. At this rate I will be IN your next novel. (And you wondered why I never remarried after my wife was killed)

      As far as "word critic"...I believe the art of selecting the most rightus word is a very endangered art.

      U 4get b4 it b 2late & b gone 4ever IMHO. (ACARS 101)

      The right word, at the right time, does work wonders. Ask Lincoln after Gettysburg...or Jefferson during that hot Philly summer in 1776.

      Tim 8DME_W_ORD

    3. Yes... it's a dangerous art for sure. Can I use that ACARS for my next novel? :)

      Oh... you will be in it. You just have to decide who you are.

  4. 67,000 words on your book draft! Fantastic! That is inspiring. :-)

    1. Thanks Linda... carve out some time... hope to get you a draft soon. :) Having fun. Momentum going. Faster. Faster. Means the pace is picking up as the drama increases. I wish I had more time. I was up working at 2 am this morning.

  5. I do want to join this project!!!push each other go forward,and create the positive world.I like it!
    Thank you very much for sharing.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Jun! You are doing a great job yourself!!


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