Saturday, July 28, 2012

Live From Oshkosh

What happens when you dream about flying a jet naked? 


Someone tells you, "don't do it." But then again, you're running around with a bunch of women who got where they are by not limiting themselves because someone told them no.

I'm having way too much fun. And today was no different. After I get through recurrent training next week, there will be more on OSH. But now... enjoy the journey as a Kodak moment!

 Happy Sweet 16 Gayle


Have a great weekend!
XOX Karlene


  1. Karlene, you are doing a great job with the photos! And I am loving your Oshkosh coverage posts! Way to go! :D

    1. Thank you Alex! One day you'll have to join us in OSH. I'm thinking a great trip for you and your Dad. :) Now... back to studying!

  2. Thank you so much for the photos! Please keep them coming and I'm very happy that you're having a great time!

    1. Thank you Jeremy. Sometimes photos speak louder than words. From EAA to A330. Airbus coming soon.

  3. Looks like way to much fun!!!!! thanks for the wonderful photo's Karlene...
    Wish I could have bern there... Looks like an awesome party!

    1. An, Thank you so much! I wish you could be here too. Maybe you should be a mentor. :) See you soon!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!