Monday, July 2, 2012

Gift of Inspiration:

Monday Motivation- the gift of imagination.

"Giving the gift of imagination begins by planting an idea, 
 sprinkling the seed with possibility, then watching it grow."

This weekend the people of Seattle gathered at our Seattle's Museum of Flight for the arrival of the Guppy, carrying our very own Space Shuttle Simulator. 


My husband and I took our four-year-old granddaughter, Kadence, to see the Guppy's arrival. Due weather it was late, so we spent the time inside the museum, had lunch, and waited.

I explained to Kadence that Aviation High School would be located at the museum, and when she was in high school she could attend. She is far too bright for her own good, and STEM education is exactly what she needs. I told her she could grow up and become an Engineer.

She said, "Grandma, what's an engineer?"

I said, "They get to play with numbers! And draw pictures and design airplanes, cars, and buildings. You could build a space ship and send your sister to space."


She laughed and said, "I'm going to be an engineer."

Regardless of what she does, she can one day tell her children, as she takes them through the space shuttle trainer, "I was here, when I was four years old and they flew it in."

As time would have it the delay on the Guppy's arrival was at an hour and a half, and we ran out of time because of swimming lessons. And then we got our toes painted pink. Which goes to show, that future engineers of the world can have pink toes.
Why not? Pilots do.

Today I returned to get these very cool photos. But the seed of an idea has been planted with mystery and wonder, and the power to send your little sister to space.

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. Not only cool pictures, but a great story! It all starts when you are a child... And someone gives inspiration. She is so cute smiling hahahah! :P

    1. It does all start when you're a child. She is a cutie. By the way... you can still be a pilot without pink toes.

  2. Great article and photos. One of the great things about having kids and grandkids is installing a sense of pride and the endless possibilities of their futures. A certain Whitney Houston song comes to mind. I don't have pink toes, but I do have pink socks which I wear on laundry day, does that count? Have a great week... :-))

    1. Hi Jeremy... Pink socks work perfect too. You can wear them on breast cancer awareness day. Now I have that song in my mind...
      Thanks for the comment!

  3. Ha! I think you had her at 'you can send your sister into space.' Love the pink toes. That Guppy is amazing looking, and so cool we have a space shuttle simulator here now.

    1. You and I are going to have to go back to the museum and check it out. Maybe we can get An to come with us and fly it too.

      That is an amazing plane. Jiffy pop popcorn comes to mind...

      Thanks for the comment.

  4. Oh my.... your grandkid was too cute... hehehhee

    YOU CAN SEND YOUR SISTER TO SPACE. lol... that's funny.

    1. Thank you! I have 5 other really cute ones too. :) Thanks for stopping by to say hi!

  5. Awesome post Karlene! Inspiration and the drive to "know more" starts at a very young age, I can assure you that :) Pink toes... I have pink finger nails, hope that counts too :)

    1. Pink fingernails definitely count! Opening those doors of what ifs is important. Now... off to Tokyo. I got a trip!

  6. LOL. I have a few people I would love to send with her into space...K


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