Monday, June 4, 2012

Take the Journey

"The wisdom of life's
journey will be shared
amongst those - who
have journeyed with
me, during this

One hour, one flight, one breath, we are all traveling together. Which makes the flavor of life delicious. Thank you all for sharing this journey with me, and being the wind beneath my wings.

Do you have anyone you would like to thank for being the wind beneath your wings? Feel free to thank them here. Then we can invite them over and let them know they are special, and appreciated too.

Enjoy the Journey!
XOX Karlene


  1. Yes, you! Many times you've been the wind beneath my wings and you are always a huge inspiration. What a wonderful post!

    1. Oh... thank you Heather. That's a wonderful comment. But, I know that you are the wind for all of us.

  2. My grandfather gets the big thanks for allowing me to taste flight over the years. A World war 2 veteran and POW from Stalag 17. he left this place called earth in November 2009 a few days shy of turning 90. I feel honored to have had the chance to know him for almost 21 full years out of my 23 1.2 being on this planet. he would take me to airshows with static WW2 displays at Tweed New Haven Regional Airport. He is a driving factor in my decision to join Civil Air Patrol as I did in 2002. His final residence is Section 40, plot 16 at Arlington National Cemetery.

    1. Oh, how wonderful. I know how proud your Grandfather is of you. It's amazing the impact we have on the generations. Maybe we all need to make this life important for those who follow in our foot steps. Imagine if he'd never made it out alive. How life would have been different. To all the grandfathers who are survivors. Thanks for sharing this comment John.

    2. A witness to his jumping said his parachute missed the tail of his B24 by inches. He was a tail gunner. His "office" was blown into the fuselage of the plane. His chute opened up before he even bailed out. Yup. I think that is cheating death enough. (with a ton of luck)

    3. My grandfather cheated death before even leaving the B24 he was in. His tail-gunner "office" was blown into the fuselage. A German fighter shot up one of their engines. His chute deployed before he jumped and a witness confirmed his chute missed the vertical stabilizer on the way out.

    4. Had to post them both. Because, cheating death is a miracle...and there is a grand reason to live. This is just amazing how he got out. His guardian angel lifted him out.

  3. Like 'planeliker,' I had a grandfather who was a great source of inspiration and support, and feel incredibly lucky for that. Also great friends, among them my closest writer friends (you know who you are!), who can always, and I mean always, be counted on to be supportive and strong for me when I'm feeling down. Thanks for a wonderful post, Karlene, my friend.

    1. Ah... Linda, that is so wonderful you had a grandfather who was around to support and inspire. I hope to be that kind of grandmother too. We do have a great group of writer friends, and I feel the same way about you, too, my friend. Thank you.

  4. What a great idea! There are SO many people that make this journey worthwhile. My supportive family, and amazing blogger/writer buddies like YOU!

    1. Ah... Thank you Julie! Every journey is so much more delicious with those who travel with us.

  5. My guy,April Ariel,and u. You all have been there for me and u did not know it. Life has a way of messing up with u. I have let go of my anger. I doesn't do me any good been angry. I am only one person trying to take care of everyone. Thank U for been there! Aida

    1. Aida, you are so welcome. The thing about anger, it just kills us, not the people we direct it at. I didn't know...but so glad to be there for you. We're all in this together. Taking the journey. Thank you for the comment!

  6. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, get rid of people who drag you down!

    Wow, where do I begin. So many people have given me lifts throughout my life.
    First of all, my parents, who've always been my greatest supporters. My brothers too (even though they can be a big pain in the a.... sometimes) I still thank them for making me a tough big sister :)

    Friends, amazing Tweeters like YOU and many others. I can't thank them enough!

    1. Cecilie, I am like you. I can't thank them enough. I was thinking about your brother and the pain in the a... It's his duty as a brother. But, he does have friends with good music. And I suspect beer. (When you're old enough.)
      Today a day of gratitude for sure! And, you are on the top of the list.

  7. "When the student is ready...the teacher appears", I wrote that in my journal a few days before Amanda was born. Twenty years later she and her sister Michelle have filled my life with endless joy, laughter and adventure. Thank-you girls a million times over.

    1. Oh... this is the sweetest thing in the world. Your daughters are lucky ladies to have you in their life.


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!