Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Flyer

Friday Flyer has Departed for the Day!


Today is my 50th Birthday
and I make the rules. 

It's also the Happy 50th Anniversary 
of the Space Needle. 

This too was born in 1962!

While the plans were to be in Las Vegas celebrating my winning the handicapper's tournament, enjoying dinner with Dick, Kathy, Robin and Darby... and eating chocolate of some sort, I am celebrating at Emerald Downs with Dick. Due to his surgery we never made it out of town. But we are taking a flash to the past, as 30 years ago today we sat in the Turf Club at Longacres Race track. The location may be different, the evening may be short... but we will be there. 

I also gave up sugar for a year, one year ago today. And the previous few months I had been plotting and planning what I should eat first. I've made that decision. Cecilie had brought me chocolate from Norway... and my first chocolate fix for the year will have meaning, as chocolate will travel.

Birthday Gift Welcome:

What does the girl who has everything... her husband alive, incredible daughters, outstanding son-in-laws, the best grandkids in the world, fabulous friends, a great career, a cozy home...want? Besides more hours in the day?

For my birthday, I would love for anyone who reads this message to send this link: Flight For Control, to "50" of your best friends, and tell them to buy my book!

For anyone who has purchased my book... or for your 50 friends who are going to buy it... I am hosting a drawing for a great PRIZE: I will fly to the winner's home, state, country.... anywhere in the world and bring a gift of 5 books to them, and join their book club party. You can enter with the purchase of an e-book too! Just let me know where you bought it and want to be part of the drawing.

The drawing will be held on May 17th. Mark your calendar to come back and check where in the world I will be traveling to.

Please have anyone who wants to be in the drawing, let me know by writing: I bought the book via "...." any version. Or simply state: I emailed 50 friends... then you too can be in the drawing.

May the 4th Be With YOU!

Enjoy the Journey!

XOX Karlene

Flight For Safety update: 7552 words


  1. Happy Birthday Karlene! To the Space Needle too! And I've met both!

    I didn't realize you had a sugar free year, and that will only make your first bite of the Norwegian chocolate even more tasty!
    Let me know what you think of it, I will have no problems sending you more :-)

    Enjoy your day, and I`m sure spending the day with family and friends in Seattle will be great too. Las Vegas can wait...(till I'm turning 21 ;) )

    1. Thank you Cecelie. The morning started early... Alarms were buzzing, but I couldn't get out of bed. I wasn't ready for the day. Until the thought of chocolate gripped my mind and rolled me out of bed. Amazing how thoughts can make us do anything. I'm up. I've tasted my first bite of Norwegian chocolate, and all before 0530! As my granddaughter would say, "Super Yummy!" Coffee in hand, I am ready to start the day.
      Thank you so much! Looking forward to Vegas. :)

  2. Happy B day from Kenya Karlene or as they say it here "Furaha Ya Kuzaliwa Rafiki" ( Swahili for Happy B-Day) I hope life give you at least 50 more... happy landings, stay safe up there...

    1. Thank you so much! Now I'll have to come and visit so you can teach me the correct pronunciation. 50 more happy landings sounds perfect.

  3. Happy birthday Karlene! I hope you have a fantastic day filled with loved ones. I shall email your link to as many people as I possibly can!

    1. Thank you so much Heather! You're the best and spending the day the happy way. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Happy Birthday ... Sister (smile)!
    Best wishes from your friend in Rome, Italy

    1. Thank you so much Michelle! Smiling now... coming to Rome soon!

  5. Happy Birthday Karlene!!
    You deserve all the best! You are an amazing person! Don't ever forget this! You helped me to get inspired! Have a lovely day and weekend! :D

    1. Thank you so much Alex. This means so much. Stay inspired...and you'll reach all your dreams!

  6. Once again, Happy Birthday! Hope it's the best! You know I read and looooved your book-and May 17th is my birthday so feel free to draw my name :P

    1. May 17th... another Taurus! Wouldn't that be a wonderful birthday gift... I'm looking forward to your special day. Thank you so much for your comments and support.

  7. Happy birthday et bonne fete! Have a great day! I purchased your book from Chapters! You should come to Canada's capital and visit me :)
    Pilot TObe

    1. Thank you so much. I love Canada! That would be so much fun. Good luck to you my friend!

  8. Happy Birthday Karlene... Such a great attitude... "Attitude is Everything" Thanks for keeping my spirits up.. and Many others...


    1. Thank you so much. YOU know that "Attitude is Everything!" Keep those spirits high. Looking forward to reading all about you!

  9. Happy Birthday. Don't party too hard you have Kentucky Derby, Cinco De Mayo, and My birthday to Celebrate tomorrow!
    XOXO D.B

    1. I wouldn't miss your birthday for anything. Tequila will be involved, I'm sure. :)

  10. Happy Birthday and have a blast!!!!!!!!

  11. Oops I'm a day late! Nevertheless..Happy Birthday to the excellent person, good author and accomplished pilot, supermom & Grandmom! All I can wish for you is good health and cheer all year long and hope you had a bast! Cheers!

    1. Oh... you're not late. I'm going to celebrate all year long! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!

  12. Happy, happy birthday! Wow, you have had a busy couple of years, and are poised to be on top of the world now! Or maybe the top of the Seattle Space Needle. I am sending your link to everyone I haven't already told about your book.

    1. Top of the Space Needle ready to jump? :)Thank you so much for shouting about my book!!! You're a great support.

  13. Happy Belated Birthday Karlene! I bought your book online through Amazon. Come on out for the 100th Anniversary of the Calgary Stampede!

    YYC Dispatcher

    1. Oh yeah! I would love to come. You are added on the list. Will be a fun drawing.

  14. Karlene, great photo of the Space Needle. I cannot wait to see it in person as I rest assured will be taking many photos of it! Also b/c the guy sitting in front of me in the coffee shop now has An awesome photo as his laptop desktop picture! I want to wish you a great year. Your very special existence is cherished by many, myself included. You should have many more years of youth, good health, great family, brilliant writing, and may you fly higher and higher to success. -j

  15. Oh... thank you so very much! Yes, come see it in person. An amazing building. And, we'll have lunch there too.
    Thank you so much for the most beautiful message. How could I want for anything more, but incredible friends like yourself.


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!