Thursday, April 12, 2012

Museum of Flight

From the young to the old there is something for everyone at

Seattle's Museum of Flight

Thanks to William Boeing Jr., the Red Barn was saved, moved to its new location, and restored. What lies inside will take you back to the very beginning....

The Museum of Flight, located at Boeing Field, is soon to be the new home of
Aviation High School, and there couldn't be a better location for learning.

For now take the kids of all sizes to







Great news: Flight For Control is available in their store!

Each of us are a part of history.

Enjoy the past.
Live in the present.
Create the future.

Have you got your copy yet?

Today is email your 10 best friends how much you loved Flight For Control day.

Enjoy the Journey!

XOX Karlene


  1. That is a great museum. I stood on the balcony overlooking the SR71 and had a long conversation with the docent on how it was that that since the aircraft is made of titanium and the engines of steel, that the airplane didn't come apart at Mach 3 with different coefficients of expansion. Neither of us knew, but we had fun speculating. Next time I'm in Seattle I must make time for a revisit.

    1. D.B., Next time you are in Seattle, I will join you! It's a great place for sure. Thanks so much for your comment.

  2. This is so exciting, Karlene! I bet you didn't foresee that when you were writing your book. The museum it self looks amazing, and I will have to come back and spend at least one whole day there!

    1. Cecilie, next time we will go inside for sure. I'm looking forward to your visit, and we can tell people to buy my book. :)

  3. What a fantastic place that Museum of Flight is. Thank you so much for the great visit I got to have there with you and An! We look pretty happy in that simulator (that's before we took off!!) OUTSTANDING that they're carrying your book in their museum shop! Woo hoo!!!!

    1. Thank you Linda. Yes, that was a fun day. I will always remember the screams from beyond. But you did great. We'll have to take another trip there one day. Maybe if your Mom comes out we can take her too.

  4. Great going! I've been to the museum many years ago and seen the SR71 there the way, I am taking some time out every night to read Flight for Control before sleeping..its great going so far..building up nicely..will let you know about the overall impression once I finish but its looking quite engaging now and I must say that the writing so far that I've read, surpasses many other generic thriller authors who have written many books! Looking forward to more reading! Cheers Karlene!

    1. Capt. Anup.... Thank YOU!!! When you come back we'll have to visit the museum together and take a simulator ride. I'll fly you can be my gunner. :) Looking forward to visiting you in Australia.

  5. Me the gunner? Hehe I'd miss everything, not the greatest shot! Visit me in Singapore!!! Cheers and have a nice weekend!

    1. Okay... I'll be your gunner. Yes, coming to Singapore soon!


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