Wednesday, March 14, 2012

More on Women in Aviation Conference...

One of the fun things about life is the people we meet along the way. The Hilton Anatole was a fabulous hotel for the Women in Aviation conference. But there was the Tower and the Atrium, and the long walk between. The conference, and everyone I knew, were all located on the Tower side. And then who should step off the elevator, on my floor in the Atrium? Mr and Mrs. Embry-Riddle.

John and Maurie

John P. Johnson, Ph.D. President & CEO
and his wife
Maurie R. Johnson, University Ambassador
Embry-Riddle's Leadership

Did you know that the major airlines hire more alumni from Embry-Riddle than any other collegiate aviation program?

Embry-Riddle has recently launched a woman's initiative, and spearheaded by Maurie with her commitment to increasing women in aviation. The Women Ambassador Program (WAP) is designed to create a big sister support system.

Maurie Johnson says, “I realized that young women at Embry-Riddle didn’t have an effective support group.... we hope to continue to grow this fund, so that more women can access this financial assistance,”

Did you know that Embry-Riddle was founded just 22 years after the Wright brothers' first flight? They have since been committed and growing strong.

"The University and its graduates have built an enviable record of achievement in every aspect of aviation and aerospace. The curriculum at Embry-Riddle covers the operation, engineering, research, manufacturing, marketing, and management of modern aircraft and the systems that support them."

After meeting this dynamic duo, and discussing education opportunities at the Embry-Riddle booth, I've decided to get my Ph.D. at Embry-Riddle!

Yes...they have an Aviation Ph.D. program, and I will attend in three years. First I have to release Flight For Safety, and put
Flight For Control the movie in motion. My plan is to find a solution for the pending problem with human factors and automation. A goal in the fight for safety. Then I will become a WAP. If you would like more information on the Women Initiative, please provide your email address.

I also realized at the Women in Aviation Conference, that we are in an education crisis for engineers and aerospace students. Why aren't our students pursing careers in math and science? How can we create a shift to point them in the direction of the sky?

Answer: We have to start them young. Thus inspired the children's book series, Val the Science Gal. The intent is to plant the seeds of creativity and possibility in the children... our future. I've got six guinea pigs to practice on.

I cannot say enough good things about the Women In Aviation Conference. WAI is not just for women anymore. This year I saw many men wandering the booths, meeting potential employers, and connecting with none-other than ... women pilots and engineers. What could be better? Some guys are just smarter than others and know where all the good things co-locate.

For anyone involved in Aviation, you should join Women in Aviation and I want to be your sponsor! Men as well as well as women can join. First check out the Member Benefits, and then click on Membership and make sure you add Karlene Petitt as your referral with this number: 46404

Then next year we will all meet at the Women in Aviation Conference in Nashville, March 14-16, 2013 and celebrate the journey. Make sure when you apply, you search out all the scholarships available too.

Enjoy the Journey!

XOX Karlene


  1. Thank you for stressing the importance of education. I used to hate math and science thinking that I would never need it in life as much as I do now. Boy was I mistaken. Embry-Riddle is a fantastic institution for Aeronautical Sciences. I just wish they would have a campus in the greater NYC area. Best of luck with your continuing education and success! ~j

    1. Thanks Jeremy... three years and I'm there. But... will be looking for a scholarship myself. I wish I had more of a science background too. We'll have to shift this paradigm and maybe find teachers who love to teach it and make it applicable to life. Aviation High School has that figured out.

  2. Thanks for this post Karlene! I didn't know about this program until I attended the conference and now I can't wait to be one of them! :-)

    1. You're going to be a great WAP! It was so nice to meet you there too.

  3. Wow, how great was that? I love it when you find yourself among your peeps. It's so inspiring. And it sure inspired you. . . . Doctor Karlene!!

    1. Thanks Linda, always nice surprises wherever we turn.

  4. Valuable information! Thank you so much Karlene for motivating and highly recommend Embry-Riddle for me! Initially, I was planning to go to the UK when I realized that asking your opinion would have a huge influence, and it did! You showed me that going to Embry-Riddle would be brilliant! What an amazing University! I hope to go there in 2013, early 2013. Then, in March, we could meet each other at the WAI 2013! Wishing you success! :D

    1. Yes! That would be wonderful. We'll make a date to meet in 2013. I know you will get a fabulous education from Embry-Riddle.

  5. I've always had something for this school and I guess it's coming up there any distance learning or online program available?

    1. They do have distance learning. I'm so sorry the delay in writing. I'm planning on it.

  6. Looks like I picked the right school! Hoping it pays off! Great you got to meet them!

    1. Daniel, you did pick the right school! Wonderful people for sure.

  7. Ola -
    Check out Embry-Riddle's Worldwide Campus. And, if you are interested in the Ph.D. in Aviation, it is all on-line.
    Richard H. Heist, Exec. VP and Chief Acsdemic Officer, Daytona Beach, ERAU.

    1. Richard, Thank you so much for the information. I will be there soon.

  8. Ola,
    Take a look at Embry-Riddle's Worldwide campus for distance delivery options. Also, if you are interested in the Aviation Ph.D., the program is all on-line.
    Richard H. Heist, Exec. VP and Chief Academic Officer, Daytona Beach, Embry-Riddle.


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