Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Motivation Talent

"Everyone has talent, but the successful have the courage to use it."

Last week at the Women in Aviation conference, Rod HighTower EAA's ~ Experimental Aircraft Association ~ President/CEO spoke to the group and shared an incredible video of the excitement to come at Air Adventure, Oshkosh, July 23-29, 2012. But first he introduced his greatest accomplishment~ his family.

Hilary, Rod, Heidi and Hannah

It happened to be bring your daughter to the conference day, and Mr. Hightower brought his three daughters. But today I would like to introduce you to one in particular: Hilary.

Hilary: age 12

Hilary started the business Hilary's Happy Pots, and she donates her proceeds to the Make A Wish Foundation. How does a 12-year-old start a business? It begins with sharing her talent, followed by inspiration and then a lot of work that she calls fun.

It all started when Hilary was on a field trip to a low-income school and was doing arts and crafts with the kids. She loved painting the pots so much, she began painting them at home and one thing led to another. A business woman was born. She recruited a team of friends for production, and her little sister with some of her friends as the advertising team.

At first they donated their proceeds to Outreach International Food Program, and now donate them to Make A Wish. To read more about Hilary's story and meet her team click on Hilary's Happy Pots, about us.

Together they create and sell Hilary's Happy Pots

This amazing young lady has found the courage to paint the world beautiful, and is using her talent to support those less fortunate. Please take a moment and purchase a Happy Pot. One small gift goes far in the world.

Thank you Hilary, and your team. I am so honored to have met you! And looking forward to my pots.

Enjoy the Journey!

XOX Karlene


  1. Karlene,

    I just finished reading about your book, FLIGHT FOR CONTROL. It sounds fabulous and look forward to adding it to my stack of reading.


    1. Thank you Rand, I really appreciate it. And remember to get your "Hilary Happy Pot" too! Life if full of creativity in all forms.

  2. Wow, what a great thing for Hilary to do. Congratulations to her, and may she never lose that wonderful spirit of doing and giving! Love that lead quote, too, Karlene--we all need to recognize the importance of courage in our quests. Thanks for another great inspirational post!

    1. Thanks Linda, I don't think she will ever lose that spirit. This is something that shines through her smile and sparkles in her eyes... obviously bubbling over from her heart. An amazing family creates kids who do amazing things. I'm looking forward for my happy pots... one for each grandchild. :)

  3. What a lovely idea! Great job, Hillary!

    1. It is a lovely idea. We need pots with clouds and little planes on them. :) Thanks for your comment Victoria!

  4. Wow, this is amazing! Keep doing what you are and have fun while doing it. You will go far, I know that Hilary! Great reading, Karlene! And way to go Hilary!

    1. Thank you Cecilie. She is an amazing young lady and your advice is the best. She...just like you... will go far!

  5. Nice post, Karlene. It's great how you promote others.

    1. Thank you Dave. This young lady definitely deserves some promoting. I'm sure we'll see more of her in the future.

  6. Congratulations, Hilary! You are an amazing young lady.

  7. Thanks Angela... Amazing is the word for sure!


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