Thursday, February 2, 2012

Up In The Air... News Flash!

Have you ever been nervous about flying? Wondered if turbulence was dangerous? Questioned the process of Air Traffic Control? Who is flying your plane? Well, Jeff DiStasio has started writing a great blog: Up in the Air. Pilots and passengers alike will love this. There is something for everyone.

Jeff is the father of three “beautiful” girls, a pilot, and aviation enthusiast—there is a fine line between enthusiasm and obsession. He holds his single and multi-engine land and instrument ratings, with complex and high performance endorsements. Jeff is currently working on his commercial license. His passion of aviation is surpassed only by a passion for learning, and research. Of course this pulls him back to aviation, as he loves anything that has to do with the sky and planes. He is also making himself available to help with any questions you may have.

Jeff DiStasio, and Up in the Air, demystifies everything you've always wondered about flying and provides simple, straightforward answers to all of your aviation related questions.

Below is just a taste of his writing. This is a must for any pilot starting out, those that have been flying, and for all of you who have always wondered… Up in the Air is the place.


“On my flight today from Dulles (KIAD) to Hartford (KBDL), I sat next to a woman who was extremely scared to fly. I could feel the tension emanating from her and I felt really bad for her.

Even though I was just a passenger today, I had looked at the weather, knew to expect a few light bumps and that we'd mostly be in the clouds for the flight. I held off on telling her what to expect thinking I'd only make her more nervous. We departed from KIAD and were in the clouds in just a few seconds. As expected, the bumps started a couple minutes in. VERY light but immediately the woman next to me threw the relaxing music on her iPod, started her deep breathing exercises, death gripped the armrest and looked like she'd rather be anywhere on earth than there. I thought to myself, "if only she knew that, more than likely, it wasn't going to get any worse and knew what to expect". I held off on telling her however, I figured that some you nervous flyers would be interested. So, for everyone who hates turbulence or is just curious about it, here's a few interesting and hopefully helpful tidbits on turbulence...”

The Autopilot Myth: What Your Pilots Really Do During Your Flight

“There is one saying that I hear from people over and over again: "Planes fly themselves" often followed up with "In a few years, we won't even have pilots in the plane". Let's delve into that a little and see if you have the same opinion after reading this. First, what exactly does an autopilot do? Well, the answer is…"

Get Out And Fly!

"You get to the airport early on a Saturday morning after a very stressful week at work and, as you drive up to the airport, you forget about your job sitting in an office for 50 hours a week and you start the transformation into being a pilot. Transformation complete, you pull the covers off your small, piston engine 4-seat plane and untie the ropes holding it to the ramp. The sun has not yet risen so you grab a flashlight and do a thorough safety check and get some fuel. You hop in the plane without filing a flight plan because you have no place in particular to go. Within 15 minutes….”

I hope you drop on over and meet Jeff and follow his blog. He's doing some good things with his passion for General Aviation. If you have any questions, feel free to email him at Jeff(dot)distasio@gmail(dot)com

Enjoy the Journey!

XOX Karlene


  1. I am adding this to my list of sites to check regularly. Looks awesome!

    1. Thanks Christine! I know you'll love it, and Jeff will appreciate it!

  2. This is great, Karlene, thanks. There are so many nervous flyers, a blog like this could be a great service. For many people, being informed is the best way to keep the jitters at bay!

    1. My thoughts exactly! I know this will help a lot of nervous flyers.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing passionate blog.I would love to hear about all stories involved in aviation world.I like that he has transformation time before flying.I think that is very important part,and I will try to have this time as well.
    Have a great weekend,

    1. Thanks for the comment Jun! This is a passionate author. Maybe one day you will meet and fly with him. You have a wonderful weekend too!I hope that wind settles down and you can fly.


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!