Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

From the bottom of my furry little heart,
I wish you all the most
lovable Valentine's Day ever!

I'm having a Valentine's Dinner party with the grandkids tonight. (parents included) Cupcakes, heart-shaped pizza, and valentines will prevail. Sprinkled with a little candy, and lots of magic too. When all the kids are here, it feels like a zoo. So much fun. I'm also receiving my hardback books this afternoon and will be autographing them to ship first thing Wednesday morning.

What are you doing special today? Whatever it is, enjoy every moment, and have a wonderful day of love.

XOX Karlene
(Fatigue post on Thursday)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Karlene,

    Thank you for such a cute post.

    Today we went with the kids for a walk along the Severn (Near Severn Bridge - Bristol - UK) and I took the camera along to take pictures of birds I would see on the way. Upon arrival at the Severn we could not believe our own eyes. We came across a Seal just a few feet away from us in the water!!! I caught the seal on camera and posted it on Twitter. What a lucky Valentine's Day that was for all of us!

    Tonight we are having Fajitas.

    My eldest daughter decorated the dining room table with hearts and smiles and prepared the starter (smoked salmon) for dinner while I was out at the optician this afternoon. What a wonderful surprise that was! Not so sure how well smoked salmon goes with Fajitas, but who cares. Both taste great! :D

    I feel the luckiest mother/woman on Earth today having the most wonderful children, the most caring husband and having caught a seal in the wild on camera. What a day! I will never forget Valentine's Day 2012.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours and I'm very much looking forward to receiving your book soon.

    Love from,



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