Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Flying High with Embry-Riddle!

Julia Bury
1st year at Embry-Riddle complete

June 11, 2010 Julia Bury was graduating High School with a career in Aviation ahead of her. She had graduated with plans of attending Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in the fall of 2010.

Time flies and so does Julia!

Julia finished her first year at Embry Riddle and has been giving me updates of her progress.

June 28th, 2011, I received the following message:

"I wanted to let you know I passed my instrument checkride flight today. I also passed both the oral and sim checkrides without any trouble. They were challenging, but definitely what I expected and I felt prepared for them for sure. "

I told Julia I can't believe how fast the year has gone by... it seems like only yesterday.
Apparently for her too.

"I can't believe how quickly this time has gone by. It's almost scary! It feels bittersweet to be done with instrument training--it did with private too. Mainly because I really like all my instructors. It also feels sad to be done with this training because I will have to wait about two months until I get to fly/train again. I'm going to be doing commercial in the fall and will get to fly both the 172 and the Piper Arrow."

"Lately I've been feeling like if I could fly the 172 (or other GA aircraft) and make the same amount of money as flying a large jet, I'd pick the smaller airplanes. I love flying the 172 so much. Maybe I'll change my mind on that someday, but for now I am really looking forward to someday instructing at ERAU and flying the 172 and teaching others to love flying. I hope and plan to finish my commercial, and then start my CFI training so I could maybe start instructing here next summer. I would absolutely love doing that. Sorry for rambling on about all that!"

Julia, Thanks so much for sharing your updates with us. Year two is just around the corner, and next summer you'll be instructing. I know we'll have just as an exciting update.

Click Here to read about Julia the day she graduated high school in 2010.

If anyone has any questions for Julia about her first year of school at Embry-Riddle, I know she would love to share her experiences with you.

Enjoy the Journey!

~ Karlene


  1. Congratulations, Julia! Sounds like you've got your flight plans well-in-hand. As Karlene knows, I'm a bit smitten with the idea of learning to fly, myself, because of a little trip I took in a 172. It was an old, rebuilt jalopy, but I loved it. I can see where your passion for the little planes comes from!

  2. Congrats. It must be such a great feeling to learn to fly a plane.

  3. Sounds like Julia is well on her way to a fantastic career. You go girl!

  4. Thanks for your comment Linda. And, the old jalopy's are so much fun. They have character!

  5. Hey Taco girl, come to Seattle next March and we will teach you how to fly! You're flying already!

  6. Heather, one day she will be flying us!!!

  7. Congrats! Instructing is awesome. Once you get all those licenses and ratings and you think you know how to fly... Then try to teach it to someone else. (that's when you really start learning!)

  8. pilot... isn't that the truth! You really start learning when you teach!


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