Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Thrill of Flight

Where in the world is Amanda Sargent?

She started at Kodiak, AK at 11 am…
and ended up in Ketchikan, AK at 10 p.m. the same night.
1000 miles in one day!

Amanda says, “Yes, I’m nuts!"

Nuts Amanda, seriously?

"Single engine aircraft over 50 miles of open water
in Alaska is nuts… no two ways about it.”

Last I heard she was heading south to be in Portland, or further south the next day. That was a month ago. Amanda... where are you and what exciting things are you doing today?

Amanda... where are you?

Enjoy the journey... Amanda is!

~ Karlene


  1. She is great. So full of energy and excitement!

  2. Wow,I see that she loves both flying and nature:)
    I am looking forward to the day I observe and appreciate nature from sky:)
    Have a great day,Karlene san.

  3. Whoa, talk about nerves of steel. Does she want to be a protag in your next novel, Karlene?

  4. Hanging out with Carmen Sandiego and Waldo, I'd imagine.

  5. Haha, oh boy, what are you getting me in to? :) Well, Last Sunday I was at the Tacoma Freedom Fair flyin' passengers around the airport. This past Thursday-Sunday I was at the Arlington Fly-In hopping rides to both first timers and veterans of helicopter flying. This Friday I leave to pick that R44 up from Torrance, CA to ferry it back up to Kodiak, AK with it's owner. ...after that, tbd. :)

    Linda, I'm not sure "nerves of steel" is the right phrase... "pure stupidity" is a little more accurate. ;)

  6. Wow! I had to read that twice, to get it right! Over a thousand miles in a "One Yolk Egg-Beater" is a very big deal. (I think she is nuts, but she did have a proper plan...) My salute, young lady! A double salute. and thanks for sharing this, Karlene. -Craig (Cedarlgen).
    No, the software still does not like me, yet several other sites supported by do. Go figure... -C.

  7. 1000 miles in one day?! Wow, a little crazy, yes, but also awesomely (yep, made that up) motivated!

  8. 1,000 miles in day in one of those things? That's like Lindbergh crossing the Atlantic - twice - isn't it? Yeah, Amanda's crazy, but she has fun doing it!
    (and as a fixed wing pilot, I'll keep teasing helicopter pilots about their machines). ;-)


  9. Vic, she is full of energy! We love her!!!

  10. Linda... yes, nerves of steel is true! Fearless!

  11. Christine, I'm thinking no more Waldo... just where in the Air is Amanda, the new game.

  12. Thanks for the comment Craig! Blogger is being very weird. But... we shall conquer the electronics down here. If Amanda can beat the air into submission... then there is nothing we can't do.

  13. Heather, makes us mere mortals take notice. Amazing. Thanks for your comment!

  14. Amanda, nothing I can get you into that you haven't done or thought of before. But... keep the photos coming on your adventures. :) Love them.

  15. Well, 2,400 miles in 30 hours flight time in a 72hr period... clinically insane I'd say. :) You can't PAY for an adventure like that!!! Pretty sure we could count on one hand how many folks have done that trip.

    Our Route:

    More pics:

    I definitely like "Where in the Air is Amanda?" ...maybe I can start a blog. :)

    There will be more pictures coming next week!

  16. Hey Amanda... I like that too! And, if you don't start your own blog we can give you one day a week of mine. :))))


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!