Friday, July 8, 2011

Anthony Gross: Friday's Fabulous Flyer!

Anthony Gross

Last month I received an email from a future airline pilot.... 

"I'm Anthony Gross. I received your email from the Women in Aviation directory. I go to Dowling College in Long Island studying Aviation Management and professional pilot training. I'm contacting you because I'm looking for a mentor in the industry, that can help give me tips and help with career development towards being a better pilot. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a nice day. I look forward to speaking with you."

Anthony is currently working on his private pilots license and has about 15 hours. But like many students starting out, obstacles keep popping up. Before the semester ended he was getting ready to solo, but due to windy conditions he had to cancel this flight numerous times. And then another company purchased his school's flight training program! Now he's looking for facilities around his area so he can do some flight training over the summer. 

Making Dreams a Reality

Anthony is sitting in a  falcon 900 because he has a friend that works for Sony. His friend, the Sony pilot started as a mentor then developed into a long-term friendship. They actually met because Sony pilot was an alumni from Anthony's school.

Anthony has wanted to fly since he was 9 years old. He tells me... 

"My mother and I would fly down to Disney World in Florida every year for my birthday in October. After going into the cockpit and sitting in the captain seat numerous times, flying started to grow onto me. A lot of my inspiration comes my father, who passed away when I was 13. He stressed how important a college degree was and to strive for what ever my dreams are. I know he looks down on me, happy to see that I'm pursuing what I love to do. My dream is to fly for Delta Air Lines, because that is the airline that sparked my love for aviation started. It would be a thrill to fly anyone of the planes in their fleet. As for now, I will continue to attend Dowling College and receive my bachelor degree in Aviation Management and fly Piper Warrior's. After college, I plan to be a flight instructor, maybe get to a charter company. Once I have enough hours, I will definitely be applying to Delta Air Lines. I would also like to mentor and help other student pilots when I obtain more experience, as Karlene Petitt and my friend from Sony has done for me."

Thank you for sharing your story Anthony, and for your kind words. Any pilot will be honored to have you as a mentor. One of the greatest gifts you can give the world is to give back. Trust and know that your father is very proud of the man you are, and continue to become on this journey we call life. He left a legacy in you, and you're carrying his life forward in yours. Keep inspiring and sharing the love of flight. I am honored to know you. 

Enjoy the Journey! 

~ Karlene


  1. I am happy to know many students whose dream is same of me:))) I believe that as you said I will meet all of them whom you shared in the near future because the world is small:))
    Have a great day,Karlene san.

  2. Best of luck pursuing your dreams Anthony. I love that you are so driven and that your father's memory helps inspire you. Mine does the same for me. :)

  3. Stick with it Anthony, you will get there. Great story, Karlene, thank you for letting us know about Anthony.

  4. I'm enjoying the new picture at the head of your blog. Fun, crisp, sparkling and it does not need a caption. OK, so I grew up and still live near such wonderful sights, but they are never ordinary tomy eye. Thanks.
    Sadly, the software still does not like me, so when I offer a comment it has to be with anonymous botton. Your blog is certainly not the only one affected and I understand that a lot of authors are migrating to other hosts. I sure hope blogspot gets it figured out...
    -Craig (Cedarglen)

  5. Thank you Jun for the great comment. You will both achieve your dreams!

  6. Heather, thank you for your comment. Your father is very proud of the person you've become, too.

  7. Thanks Linda! I have more great stories to come. :)

  8. Thank you so much for the comment Craig. I too hope blogspot gets it figured out. Time to migrate for me too. Soon. Very soon.


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!