Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June Flying Fun...

I got a trip! Yeah. Departing today... 

Seattle * Amsterdam * Atlanta * Dublin * Atlanta * Amsterdam

And when I get home... a really fun flying event is about to takeoff. This is one of the reasons we fly~ To be part of a community, support general aviation, and share adventures with other aviators. 

In honor of the event, I'm giving away another Fly About video. Aviation is all about the adventure, and sharing that with others.

This drawing is available to anyone who wants to enter. If you can't make the flying event, or do make and want to add to your fun... it's easy: 
  1.  Sign up to Follow my blog.
  2.  Leave a comment using one word from this post, in that comment. 
  3. Check back Monday June 20th and see who the winner is. 
Enjoy the Journey!

~ Karlene


  1. Hooray for the trip. fly safely and have fun!

  2. I miss Amsterdam. I lived in The Hague for 2 years back in my teenage years.

  3. The poker thing looks like fun. I just really suck at poker and usually end up losing all my chips though!

  4. Following your blog! You are very inspirational.

  5. This sounds like so much fun! Have an excellent trip Karlene!

  6. Enjoy your trip! All the best and thank you for all of your help! :)

  7. I have a blog but in Spanish, called ANTARES and I'm also continuing the

  8. Of course, if friends .... and I reiterate that I admire very much, very much and wish you all the success of this world...a big hug

  9. Oooooh. P-p-p-p-Poker Face! :oD Love the concept. Sounds like a blast. Hope to be able to join a fly-in again, someday.

  10. So many wonderful comments! I'll be back to comment. Now the crew is waiting for a debrief of our flight. Fly. Nap. Debrief. It's a wonderful life.

  11. Have fun on your trip! And the poker run looks like tons of fun, I hope it's successful! :-) Happy skies*

  12. Rafael, I said hi to your old town for you. You'll have to come back to visit.

  13. Hi Tom, you should do this. You fly to 5 airports, get a card at each airport and then your hand plays. You might get lucky!

  14. Hi Susana, Thank you so much for the great comment!

  15. Thank you Heather and Linda. One day we'll do this trip together!

  16. Jessica, you are so welcome! I'm glad to help.

  17. Antares, Thank you so much for following. And, now I'm going to have to learn Spanish.

  18. Russ, it is all about the journey for sure!

  19. Supovadea, you will... and hopefully I'll be there with you!

  20. Thanks Ashley, I'm sure it will be successful! Thanks for your comment!

  21. By all means keep doing what you are doing you give me hope of one day that I to may fly .You
    let me know that I can do it.
    Thank you so much I tell my grand daugther about you ages 6,9,and 10. Hope one day to have them meet you as well.

    Pamela C Jones

  22. Thank you Pamela! I hope one day you will fly with me, too. And... love to meet your grand daughter. I have two grand daughters. Two grandsons. And a 5th on the way. Kids are so much fun!

  23. following your blog.Best on the net ! Keep up the great work

  24. I forgot to do the drawing! Where was my mind? So... better late than never. Congratulations Susana... you just won! Now I need to find you.


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!