Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Victoria Really Does Fly!

MD | Frederick Municipal Airport | Fly It Forward Event

Some people go through life never coloring outside the lines. Then there are others, like Victoria Neuville, who make the world their canvas and paint a master piece. I wonder when Victoria decided to plan a flying event, if she ever expected it to grow to this magnitude. Amazing what can happen when a woman with wings gets involved. I asked her if she could tell me about her flying event. Wow. This is definitely the place to be on March 12th.

Victoria says...
  • So far we have 195 girls signed up to fly. 
  • 24 planes and 1 helicopter.  
  • Girls will go for their free flight then head over to the EAA Education Center to learn about pre-flighting an aircraft and get to see a in process home-built.  
  • There will be an ATC specialist, an airline pilot, an A&P, and a wing walker/aerobatic performer (all female) to talk with the girls.  
  • The USAF 1st Squadron Helicopter team from Andrews AFB will be there with two female pilots, some other female military professionals and a static Huey helicopter.  
  • There will be static displays of a glider, ultralight, Piper Cub and a Stearman.  
  • Oh and tons of food.  
What an amazing event. Join Victoria and her team as they celebrate the Women Of Aviation Worldwide week!


Keep flying high Victoria. We'll all be looking for pictures and stories.

Join Victoria on her personal blog: Toriaflies

Enjoy the Journey!

~ Karlene


  1. Wow, it's happening everywhere. Best of luck with your event, Victoria! Great post, Karlene.

  2. Yay for Victoria! That is amazing indeed. I hope it turns out wonderfully.

  3. Looks like RNT has some competition!

  4. Thanks Linda and Heather! She is going to do great. Too bad we can't be there.

  5. Tom we have competition for sure!!!

  6. Wow! What fun!!! I love this blog!! This is being bookmarked now!!

  7. Jen, Thank you so much!!! I love the wow... and the bookmarking. :)

  8. Thanks for promoting, Karlene! I wish you luck on your event as well! How exciting! :D


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