Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mother Nature is a Tease!

Today I will be at Renton Airport with a dozen pilots, 14 volunteers, their planes and 213 hopeful women and girls waiting to take to the sky.

"Grey and Soggy Day" The forecast changes daily. Hourly.

This morning they say it may be wet, but we have the ceiling and visibility to fly. The winds don't kick up until later this afternoon.
If the wind shifts, the rains pour, and flying shuts down, we will still have a fun day! Coffee and cookies will be served! Entry's for Prizes! Wings! Airplane cards! And you can leave your name for someone to contact you and schedule a flight at another time.

Hope to see you there!!! If you didn't register...that's okay. Please join us!!! Be part of history to make Renton the most female friendly airport in the world!

When: Sunday, March 13, 2011
Where: BEFA—Boeing Employee Flying Association—840 West Perimeter Road, Renton, Washington, 98055.
Time: 10:30 until 4:30 Each flight will take about 15 minutes.

Today is your day to fly!
Unless Mother Nature has other plans.

The things we pilots have to put up with. The weather is the biggest.

Enjoy the Journey!

~ Karlene


  1. Karlene san.I am proud of you and 14 volunteer members to share and help this wonderful event.
    GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL and take care of you.I hope weather change to sunny between10:30 in the am to 16:30.

    As for me,I will fly(trial fly,maybe 15 minutes) on 29th April when I go to survey Flight safety academy in FL.I am really looking forward to fly.haha Except airplane,I have never flown ,so I am excited.
    Action is so nice compared with thinking without action.

    Have a wonderful memorial day.

  2. I hope it's a wonderful day but I now you'll make the best of it even if the weather is awful. You're amazing like that!

  3. I'll be there! Wouldn't dream of missing a party like this!

  4. It is raining here, so it must be nice in Seattle :)

  5. So nice to meet you today, Karlene. It was fun hanging out with aviation folks despite the uncooperative weather! :)

  6. Crosswinds are fun - for pilots. But just not very good if you are introducing people to small planes. We want to encourage, no scare and make sick!
    Had a good morning showing people the plane in the hanger and talking to people about flying. Not a failure at all, thanks Karlene!


  7. We drove down from Edmonds to participate in this wonderful "women's" event. Too bad mother mature wasn't on our side. It was still great to meet everyone and have some mother/daughter time. Hope we can reschedule sometime in the near future. - Keogh & Sarah Singkeo

  8. Thanks to Karlene and everyone for hosting this event. We didn't mind not getting to fly. Seeing the inside of a small plane and hearing all about it was more than we knew before! How inspiring to be in the plane and seeing a flight simulator.

    Thank you!

    Cathy & Elsa

  9. Thank you all for joining us. Driving from Edmonds, comment on enjoying seeing the plane and hanging out, it was all great!
    It was great to meet you all!
    And we will fly again. I'm already plotting for a Day in May.


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!