Thursday, February 3, 2011

Celebrating Women

Father's Day, Mother's Day, Valentines' Day--- When I was a little girl, I told my dad, "We need a kids day!" and he'd said, "Everyday is kids day."  Yeah, right. I was soon to realize, some thirty years later, that we do have control our our days. We can make them anything we want.

Officially--- Women have a day!  
Women's Day. March 8

On Womens's Day--- men worldwide give flowers, open doors, appreciate, and embrace the women in their lives.  Oh yeah--- hug a woman today. You have an excuse!

Thanks to Mireille Goyer, Founder and International Team Leader We also have a full week!

Mireille and "very cute" Nephew

Women of Aviation Worldwide Week. March 7-13 

Why do we fly?

Read what Frank has to say.  Frank Van Haste  It's all about the relationship.
Why do I fly? You can find it Here along with incredible comments from others.

How can you introduce at least one girl or woman to flying during our week?

Victoria Neuville
See what Victoria is doing: Free Flights March 12th

Who is supporting Women of Aviation Worldwide week?
They're offering prizes to pilots who introduce women and girls to their first flights during Women of Aviation Worldwide Week. Thank you supporters!
    Don't forget the trophies! The trophy for the 'Most Female-Pilot-Friendly Airport Worldwide', the 'Most Dedicated Pilot', the 'Most Dedicated Flight Instructor', the 'Most Unusual Introductory Flight', the 'Most Creative Aviation Advocate', and the 'Best Women of Aviation Worldwide Week Photo' are awarded at the end of March.

    Register: at

    What am I doing?  Getting creative.

    I am going to win the Trophy for "The Most Dedicated Pilot" 

    How am I going to do that? Well my friends, that's a surprise. A surprise because I'm still formulating my plans. But why? That I can tell you...

    An airline, that shall remain nameless, told me during an interview, "You must not be a very dedicated pilot. You only flew three times in three years."

    The year 1988, I was 26 years old during that interview. I'd given birth to my daughters in '83, '84, and '85, and started college in '83 and and graduated in '85. Three kids and a four year degree, and I only flew "3 flights" during those three years. I was kind of busy. Oh yeah--- back to those fighting words.

    Kalimar, Krysta and Kayla.. my daughters
    What I can tell you is that March 12th, we're planning a Fly It Forward Event at our World Famous Airport: KRNT  Renton, Washington. 

    We challenge you to just try to take our  Most Female Friendly Airport in the United States title.

    Please... try to take it from us! We just may go for the world record! Watch out Canada.

    What can you do?

    Enjoy the Journey!

    ~ Karlene


    1. I want to take on the world, that was so inspiring! What can you do? That is an excellent question!

    2. Will I still be allowed to go if I have my private pilot certificate by then, or will it be like last time?

    3. You will have your private horsie... and you can fly your friends!!!


    Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!