Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why Babies are Like International Airline Pilots

For the previous month, I've been babysitting my 8-month-old grandson, Miles, and have come to realize he is very similar to a Senior International Airline Pilot.


He sleeps in two hour nap cycles. He loves shiny stuff. He loves to fly and it shows... he laughs as I toss him in the air.  He fell in love, or lust... I can't be sure, with an Alaska Airlines Flight Attendant. He's bald. He's very cute. And he drools a lot when I talk to him. He whines if he doesn't get his way, and feeding him usually helps. Diapers? Well... it all Depends. His preference is definitely breast feeding... but he's easily swayed by the bottle. And last week he discovered himself.

Tonight we begin our journey home, a day early. I'm driving my precious cargo through the night from San Jose non-stop to Seattle. Yes... I'm trained for this kind of duty.  And this weekend I'll get to see my granddaughters.

 Kadence, Grandma and Kohyn

Then back on Reserve October 18th! Which is also my baby's 25th birthday... so I'm heading to Chicago to take her out to dinner. Hopefully scheduling can give me the night off.

Happy Flying!

~Enjoy the Journey~

XOX Karlene


  1. Nice post Karlene! now that you mention it, I'd say my son was the exact same way... not that he's four he's dif.... er... nevermind, still the same! less the diapers and breastfeeding.

    Also, I see you added my blog to your blogroll, thanks! Though you may want to update it to my direct link at instead of my typepad profile if you'd like.

    Thanks again, and enjoy coming out to my neck of the woods, Chicago's a great city, though starting to get a bit cold for my liking!

  2. Thanks Andrew! Good luck with that little one. Hate to tell you that my girlfriends say when men grow up they're mind, lol.
    Thank you for the reminder to bring a warm coat on this trip!

  3. Hahaha I see captain Miles....nice your blog, and I follow it.. On tweets it's so much information but Like it cannot answer all that questions.. sorry Karlene as a real Dutchman write In English hope you understand it... wish you good save flights. from Holland near Amsterdam LOL greetings Hans...

  4. My fingers are crossed that you get a night off. You deserve it! I don't think I know anyone who is busier than you! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures.

  5. Thank you Hans. Your English is much better than my Dutch... you're doing great! Thank you for following my blog. I really appreciate it.

  6. Offcourse Karlene, and when you sleep I am in the air to Seattle or name it last week Klax but we enjoy it or not Karlene..??? very nice to meet you and when you come to Eham let me know I tell you the weather pfff It's cold at this moment say hello to your wunderfull family, and we tweet Greetinx from an cold Holland brrrr Hans

  7. Yes Hans, we definitely enjoy it. Nice to meet you too. And, when I come to EHAM I will let you know...and will bring a very warm coat.

  8. Thanks Heather... the night off will be the journey home. Can hardly wait! This chapter closed and I can get back to normal. Wait... what is normal?

  9. Hahaha! I am married to a Captain and you are totally right!

  10. You've got me pegged. I am so busted! But you forgot that hat never stays on our head very long.

  11. Susie,I knew you would recognize the similarities!!!

  12. Pat... I should have added, his hat didn't stay on his head for longer than 30 seconds. How did you know?

  13. You made me laugh, Karlene. Love this post!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!