Thursday, September 30, 2010

Look on the Bright Side

For every negative that consumes your happiness,
Affirm two positives that sustain you.

For every "should’ve" you wish you’d done,
Acknowledge something you’re glad you did.

For every loss that has altered your world,
Count from it something you have gained.

For every limit that has ever beset you,
Consider your possibilities.

You can’t always change the way things are,
But you can change the way you wish to see them.

Never stop looking
For the brighter side and beyond.

Today is a good place to start

Writings by Eric T. Moore
Photos by Karlene K Petitt...except for the heart. That came from Victoria Neuville
Enjoy the Journey!



  1. Love it! I have another heart photo to share with you. Believe it or not it has not been altered in Photoshop and I took it on my cell phone!

  2. Thank you for the Heart photo! As you can see... I replaced it with the one I had. Beautiful!

  3. Thanks Chats. It's amazing the wonderful sights I've experienced. And... the heart photo, that was from Toriafly. Follow here on Twitter! :)

  4. I'm inspired to take on the world now! Thank you so much Karlene for reminding me to see the good in every experience and challenge. You're the best. :-)

  5. Aviators shoot amazing photos!

    I really enjoyed the appearance of the overcast/undercast near the base of Mt. Rainier.

  6. Heather, You're inspiring all of us to take on the world. Thank you! No. You're the best. :)

  7. Thank you Windtee. That's one of my favorite too. Always reminds me... I'm home.


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