Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday's Mystery Picture

As pilots, we have the opportunity to visit the most interesting places in the world. Sometimes they can be oppressive, and this was one of those occasions.

The day started out as a research gathering mission for my novel, and a wrong turn brought me into this tunnel, pretending to be a hallway. The temperature was at least ten degrees warmer than the entrance. About halfway through the walls closed in, the temperature continued to raise, and the air grew thick with pain. I had to leave. But before I did, the camera came out.

Where in the world is this hallway? The first correct guess will win an autographed copy of my novel, Flight For Control.


  1. Whatever it is, it makes me claustrophobic just looking at it! :)

  2. It made me claustrophobic too! Maybe that was the feeling. I haven't had a reaction to a place like that... for a long time. I'm thinking it was a mixture of death and fear.

  3. I think I have an unfair advantage so I'm not going to guess. It definitely has an oppressive feel to it though!

  4. Heather, tt definitely had an oppressive feel... I couldn't continue. We turned around and were only half way through.

  5. I feel an asthma attack coming on, and I don't even have asthma. Looks like it could be a basement hallway under the Pentagon, or in a hospital. Wherever it is, I'm glad it advanced your research and I'm really glad you turned around and got out of there!

  6. Thanks Linda! A good place to run from!

  7. Jason...this is the best comment so far! lol

  8. ATL Chief Pilot's Office (CPO)!

  9. Roto... Funny. I'm thinking the oppressive, pain and fear mixture with the feel of death gave a clue directing you to the Chief Pilot's Office, but not it. lol.
    Answer soon!

  10. Harborview Medical Center? Looks medical, think there's someone in scrubs ahead and you're in Seattle, so...

  11. Congratulations Leighton! You are the winner! This is actually the tunnel...Yes at the Harbor View Medical Center... from the East Hospital trauma center, to the Norm Maleng building. The pain, suffering, and fear resonate within the walls. Send me your email address to I'm making a list of winners so when I'm published, we can get the novel to you!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!