Sunday, July 11, 2010

Life is Good

People cross our paths when we need them most, and Friday afternoon I needed my Southwest Airlines Angel. A very tight muscle, a wrong step onto the hotel van, and something snapped in my calf. The southwest flight attendant crew was boarding the same van, and this knight jumped down, grabbed my bags, threw them up for me and said, "I'm a licensed massage therapist, do you want me to work on it?"

But of course! And then the van driver gave me a bottle of Ibuprofen!

Thank you Southwest Knight Alias Massage Therapist! 

Once again we said good night to the sun and to the Detroit Airport...

With a date to meet the sunshine on the other side of the world in 9 hours, we headed East.

What should appear on our journey? More Noctilucent clouds!  The moon shot out from the horizon like a rocket launching from the sea, and as it illuminated the night sky.  I began to tell my first officer about these magnificent clouds when the chatter on the radio began, questioning their existence... as there is no moisture at such great altitudes. Ahhh...but they are ice crystals. 

Noctilucent Clouds FL350 

Water... or Sky?

Unlike my training flights, the princess worked perfectly on the flight over. The flight deck quite. The night peaceful and within hours, we landing in Rome.

Best intentions of going directly to bed and sleep... my captain was flying his last month, it was also his first trip to it was duty to celebrate the city with the crew. 

Another incredible trip to Rome... and I am off to Atlanta we go! Another plane, another crew and another adventure.


  1. I absolutely LOVE the photo with the moon. Gorgeous!

  2. Thank you Supovadea!!! It was Gorgeous. One day you'll be up there photographing them yourself!

  3. Hello Karlene! Thanx for your prompt answer, tonight I´m off to KSFO at 1930 (scheduled) hope the weather enroute is ok and at our destination, first a domestic round trip MMMX-MMMY-MMMX, and then off to SFO. Love that city, it+´s been a while since the last time...have a good trip back home!!

  4. I love SFO too! Been a long time. Where is MMMX and MMMY? I have so much to learn. Enjoy your first domestic trip! Will want a report. I'm off to Accra tonight 2330 departure. Fly safe!

  5. Oh well, MMMX is the ICAO ID for Mexico City and MMMY for Monterrey. I will report as soon as I land back in MEX...!!! Accra eh? Is that Ghana? I think it is right? Have a good one!!!

  6. Mexico City and Monterrey! Thank you. Have not flown down there... one day will know all locators in the world! lol. ;) Okay...go check out my picture of the day and win an autographed copy of my novel! Monday's post.

  7. Just landed at MMMY severe tstorms enroute (specially during our descend to MTY airport) had to deviate a little from the original FPL,bumpy approach (VOR DME rwy 11) but was a smooth landing, 45 min layover then back to MMMX at 1700, expect to be landing at 1820 same crew, will just change planes probably then to SFO. Iv´e seen the picture...have no idea what it is...I will show it to my captain see if he knows...

  8. Sounds like an exciting flight. Be safe! Much respect for the weather. Storming in Atlanta right now. Lightening, thunder and heavy rain. Hoping it stops before our departure. I'm junior...will be doing the walk-around. Have a great flight to SFO...and looking forward to your picture guess. :)

  9. I will post my answer when we get to SFO and checked in at my hotel room, seriously I have no idea what it is, nor my captain, if it is fly related we´ll feel bad, very bad jaja. MEX airport closed because of severe tstorms in the area and heavy rain,(had to do the walk around too w haevy rain also, I´m soaked and wet) so I took the chance to write you real quick, probably in another 10 minutes will be open maybe just for take off ops. and we will be ready to taxi (we are almost 20 min behind schedule already) Like you said we have to respect the least the forecast for SFO is clear skies, pretty fair...

  10. Hey Rudy, I lucked out as the rained died off when I did my walkaround. Sorry you got soaked! It was also very bumpy on the flight down as we dodged many thunderstorms last night. Tis the season. Be safe...and hope you catch up on your schedule.

  11. nice i love flying the scarebus on my sim :)

  12. Thanks Jason, I hope you can one day fly it in the real thing one day! You would love it... and will all that practice, you'll be really good too! Sharing her brains on Saturday! :)


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!