Friday, July 16, 2010

Adam Saddington Friday's Fabulous Flyer!

FlightPodcast men have been born! Last, but definitely not least, we meet Adam Saddington. His story is unique as he climbed into the flight deck for a fascinating aviation career.

Born and raised in Newcastle Australia, Adam's career was non-stop to the aviation world. After high school he studied Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Sydney.
Once finished with college, he began flying at Combined Aviation Services in Bankstown, where he was trained though his Commercial Pilots License.

We knew Adam had brains earning an Aeronautical Engineering degree, but this was confirmed when he was smart enough to fly the plane and not jump out of it. Adams first flying job was at Skydive Gloucester, a small town in central New South Wales, where he became a senior pilot for the company which provided him the opportunity to fly for the national ‘four ways swooping skydive teams.’

His next position was senior pilot at Skydive the Beach, Sydney, Australia's 4th largest drop zone. At the time he flew the Piper Navajo. There he worked with the world base jumping champion.

It wasn’t long since he jumped himself ... not out of a plane, but from Skydive the Beach to Wagga Air Center, a charter and bank that flew priority freight. It provided him with his first exposure to FRMS and he soon became the company's senior base pilot at Bankstown airport. 

 Adam’s dream was to fly a Cessna Conquest II, and he followed that dream to central New South Wales and accepted a position with Corporate Air in Canberra.
Corporate Air’s main focus was the charter of Minister's of Australian Parliament. With that, he also flew search and rescue, aerial survey, executive charter and priority freight.

 Metroliner 23

He met Marty Khoury at Corporate Air when he was assigned to train him on the Metroliner 23. Adam and Marty decided two years later that Branson's new airline Virgin Australia was the next step to take their aviation careers. 

Marty and Adam

Adam was employed as a Cruise Relief First Officer on the 777-300ER. Marty introduced him to Ken Pascoe at Virgin, and together they have worked since it's inception in 2008.

Adam, Marty, Ken

Today the Marty, Ken, Adam and I are starting FlightPodcast. I'm looking forward to the day we can have a picture of four! We’re within a day or two of going live... and I hope you will all join us in our newest adventure: FlightPodcast!


  1. From skydiving to flying the plane, that's quite the leap! No pun intended. Bravo to Adam for such huge achievements!

  2. Adam wow congrats when i first meet you.You where my brothers school friend at the junction puplic school nsw.And to see and hear this of how far you have come and what you have archived it just blows me away.Congrats again and well done all the best saddo!!

  3. It's a small world Anonymous from the junction public school!

  4. Wonderful story:D I think pursuit of dream is one key to achieve our dream.

  5. Thank you Jun! This is a great story. I know really great people!


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