Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tulsa... Finding Your Voice

An amazing day at William Bernhardt's writers workshop!

Lela, Jule, Linda and Karlene arrive in Tulsa!
Scribe Sisters missing Heather!

Today I listened to Editor Lisa Rector and Agent Donald Maass speak. Incredible workshops! They are both fantastic speakers. Just when I thought my novel was ready... I realized there is more work to be done. But fun work it is!

"Before" Coffee!

I met individually with Donald first, and we discussed my novel. He gave me some excellent tips on how to make the unbelievable, believable. His novel, Writing the Breakout Novel, has taken my work to the next level so today I had no option but to purchase his book, The Fire In Fiction. I know the results will be the same...Moving my novel closer to being published.

Then I met with Editor Lisa Rector (who happens to be married to Donald... a perfect couple) who helped me with more information. But more than that... what a wonderful person she is! Not only does she speak with eloquence and grace, but she is so nice! She looked at my work and gave me some great ideas on how and where to improve. She is the ultimate Story Therapist. Watch for her book, The Third Edit!

I will share the details of their great advice, Wednesday, on Scribes Sisters.

And then Bill played the piano and sang a beautiful song he had recently written. Thank you Bill. Your talents are many... Incredible teacher, wonderful author, and all around great man.
A wonderful night!

William Bernhardt Extraordinaire

Tomorrow I am missing day 2 of the workshop and hitchhiking to work. Flights are full... but hopefully I can ride in the cockpit. And then... on to New York.

Enjoy the Journey!

~ Karlene


  1. Aww, thanks Karlene, I'm missing you ladies too! I wish I was there! Sounds like I'm missing a great time. I know you'll fill me in though! It's a shame you have to fly out early and miss tomorrow. Enjoy it while you're there.

  2. Thanks Heather. You know... life of a pilot, we catch the special moments one moment at a time... usually one day at a time and then we're on our way again.

  3. Great post, Karlene -- and whoever took that picture of you with Donald and Lisa must be an extremely talented photographer!! It was an excellent workshop, wasn't it? So many revisions, so little time, but so much desire to get there! I'm with you -- I know this will take our work to the next level.

  4. Yes amazing photographer! It was an excellent workshop. And looking forward to your notes. :) Thanks!!!


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