Thursday, June 3, 2010

Packing my Bags!

This afternoon I am on my way to another adventure. My flight training begins out of New York on Monday, June 7th to Athens… but I am taking the detoured route.

Tonight I head East and tomorrow I am observing a friend’s checkride. Since I will have been away from the plane for 30 days, from simulator check to aircraft, he has offered to allow me to sit in on his ride and play the augmented crew.

What this means is…

I will get my mind and body back into the flight deck, watch an expert fly, and relearn what all those buttons do. After his ride, then the seat support pilot is going to stay and fly with me so I can snag a couple landings. I need to refortify that picture for the visualization process.

After we fly… Friday afternoon I head on down to Tulsa to meet literary agent Donald Maass, author of Writing the Breakout Novel, to pitch my novel: Flight for Control. Wish me luck!

I will only be able to attend half of William Bernhardt’s weekend writing seminar as Sunday I am on the move to New York, via Detroit, to fly the Princess.


Friday’s Fabulous Flyer: Timothy Elwood.
Drop by and give him your advice and suggestions!


I have been invited to become a part of an aviation podcast with a group of brilliant guys from Australia: Marty Khoury, Ken Pascoe and Adam Saddington. Put into your favorites... it will be!

We're only 2 weeks away from starting....
For now... follow us at


  1. Good luck with selling your novel - go girl! I know you can do it!

  2. Thanks Kathy! Are you going to put Flight for Control Novels floating over Seattle? Actually I think these need to float around the universe! You have some powerful thoughts!

  3. Thank you Amanda! I will keep you posted!

  4. Safe ride to Minneapolis and for your training. And congrats on the podcast news! Gosh, it sounds like a busy week for you. Yay for Tulsa!

  5. Best of luck in Tulsa this weekend Karlene! You'll do wonderful I know it! We'll be celebrating both our successes over dinner in New York in a few weeks!

  6. Thank Portia! I finally made it...and training went well. In Tulsa now. Where are you? :)
    On the look out!

  7. Heather... dinner in NY is in the works! I would love to pop in and celebrate your success! It will be a great success too! Thank you for your comments!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!