Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Another Year in the Passing…

Not many things make me feel older these days. Not my daughter’s getting married, not the birth of grandchildren, not a hip replacement, or even osteoporosis of the spine. But when a young pilot suggested that we write an aviation book together about the “different generations” of flying, I realized… I am now officially the “older” generation. Four years ago I had a student who was also born on the year I graduated high school, and that too made me realize my youth has passed.

To all the pilots and instructors that I have told, “Oh, I was in kindergarten when…” as they were talking about their first job, or somewhere they flew… I apologize. I now realize that I was once that person who made someone else feel old.

We may be older… but hopefully wiser too.

For all the women who are also celebrating a birthday this year, and feeling the effects of time… I have to say, it beats the alternative! Have wonderful day and enjoy mine and Louise’s favorite song.

Lisa Kock A Middle Aged Woman

Thank you all for the Happy Birthday messages! Flight out of San Francisco tonight!

~ Karlene


  1. Happy Birthday to you! I just got back from flying to Los Angeles on Delta. Good legroom, and eventless flight. Whew!

  2. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Karlene, Happy Birthday to you! Just pretend I sang me on that one!

  3. How cool was that! Don't sneeze on the run.

  4. Hey, Happy Birthday from another member of the "mature" pilot's association.


  5. Happy Birthday to a fantastic a330 and 747 pilot! hope ur having/had a great day!!!

  6. Thank you Pilot! Having a great day. Started out wonderful and ended with dinner with some of the pilots ... to celebrate. Life is good!

  7. Thanks Ron! But did you clikc on the link and listen to the song? lol And... you are the most mature I know. :)

  8. Thats fantastic! have anything special for least you could celebarate it with a few ppl (even though family is the best :)...)

  9. Molly, Thank you! And... I am so glad you had an eventless flight. More than I have had lately. :) Legroom too? Life is really good!

  10. Thank you Kathy! I can hear you singing now. Were you in the shower?

  11. Bill... no kidding! lol. Glad you enjoyed it!

  12. Pilot... you are so right! Family for sure! And...Saturday... dinner for the family before my sleepover.

  13. Happy birthday! I hope you had a fabulous day.

  14. Thank you! Fabulous it was!!! And... tomorrow even better. :)

  15. A very happy birthday to you lady! You're absolutely right, feeling like we're getting old isn't nearly as bad as the alternative. Besides, there will always be someone who looks at you as the kid.

  16. Thank you Heather! And... yeah, isn't that the truth... There is always someone thinking I'm the kid. Actually... I think I'm married to him. lol. :) I'll ask him when I get home. Thank you for the nice message!

  17. Great song :)

    I'm 42 now and my "day job" is in IT. I get the "Oh wow, I was still in school" comment all the time when talking with others about my career and such.

    Ouch :)

  18. Thanks Grant! Great song for sure. 42? You're still just a baby. But oh... time goes by so fast. Remember, like a good bottle of just get better with age. :)


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!